Names supplied - they could be primary 2 or 3 I'm told. Can you help add the missing names? Row and number from the left please.

Back row- Robin/Robert McCaig?, Gerard??, Brian Griffin, Neil?? , ??? , John Cameron? , Jim Gaddis , ???
Third row- Maureen Donohue, ??? , Linda Johnstone, Michael Diamond, Charles Gallagher , Johnny Dorrans , Helen Hume?, Catherine Murphy, ???
Second row - Marion? , Margaret Taggart , ??? , ??? , ??? , Louise Durning? , Lorraine Boyd , Sandra?? , Patricia Kearney? , Marie McBlain?
Front row - Philomena O rourke, ??? , David Gallagher, Julie Nicole? , Donald Campbell, ???, Thomas Murphy? , ??? , Carole ann Mullen?