Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854 -1910

For those researching family in the three towns area.
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 175, 03/04/1858


Green, Male on 01/04/1858 at Glasgow St. Ardrossan. Father: Robert

Fullerton, Female on 20/03/1858 at the City of Glasgow Bank, [Dockhead St.] Saltcoats. Father: James

McBride, Female on 23/03/1858 at Stair Bridge, Mauchline. Father not named

Stirling, Female on 22/03/1858 at Hill St. Kilmarnock. Father: Patrick

Wight, Female on 18/03/1858 at Dalmellington. Father: James, jr., joiner

Kay, Female on 31/03/1858 at 85 Queen St. Glasgow. Father: Robert

Ferguson, Male on 24/03/1858 at Templeton, Auchinleck. Father: Thomas

Gibson, Female on 26/03/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: Robert

Arkison, Male on 28/03/1858 at Ford St. Catrine. Father: Charles, drawer

Dalziel, James on 23/03/1858 at St. Marnock St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. John Symington, to Janet, only daughter of Mr James Hillhouse

Hillhouse, Janet on 23/03/1858 at St. Marnock St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. John Symington, to Mr James Dalziel

Russell, Charles on 19/03/1858 at Portland St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. V. Thomson, to Miss Ann Lamberton, Kilmarnock

Lamberton, Ann on 19/03/1858 at Portland St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. V. Thomson, to Mr Charles Russell, turner, Kilmarnock

White, Andrew on 26/03/1858 at Ford St. Catrine by the Rev. John MacGowan, to Ann, second daughter of the late Mr John McDonald, labourer, Catrine

McDonald, Ann on 26/03/1858 at Ford St. Catrine by the Rev. John MacGowan, to Mr Andrew White

Young, Robert on 29/03/1858 at Kilmarnock, to Ellen, only daughter of the late Mr McClacher, Anderston, Glasgow

McClacher, Ellen on 29/03/1858 at Kilmarnock, to Mr Robert Young, tenter, Lancefield Mill, Anderston

Blamire, Richard on 15/03/1858 at the parish church, Dewsbury by the Rev. T. Allbutt, to Sarah Firth of Dewsbury

Firth, Sarah on 15/03/1858 at the parish church, Dewsbury by the Rev. T. Allbutt, to Mr Richard Blamire of Dewsbury
The bride and bridegroom are each in their 73rd year. This is the sixth "blooming damsel" the bridegroom has led to the hymeneal altar

Hood, A. on 12/03/1858 at High St. Kilmarnock, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Mr John McDonald, Catrine

McDonald, Elizabeth on 12/03/1858 at High St. Kilmarnock, to Mr A. Hood, engineer

[The first entry is incomplete due to folds in the paper.]
[Male] on 06/03/1858 [most likely overseas and originally from] Ayrshire, Scotland. In the 78th year of his age

Murdoch, John on 28/03/1858 at Barrs, Cumnock. In his 46th year. Builder

Dickie, Agnes on 29/03/1858 at Broomhill, Kilwinning. Aged 10 years. Daughter of Mr George Dickie, colliery manager, Fergushill

McLeitchie [McLatchie], Annabella King on 25/03/1858 at Main St. Kilwinning. Aged 20 years. Daughter of Mr James McLeitchie, Irvine

Brown, Anne on 25/03/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning. Aged 16 years. Daughter of Mr Henry Brown

Lindsay or Gemmel, Ann on 27/03/1858 at the house of her brother, Mr John Gemmel, Ironmonger, Main St. Kilwinning. In the 31st year of her age—much regretted

Binnie, George Archibald William on 21/03/1858 at Morton House, Kilmarnock. Fourth son of the late William Binnie, Esq., Glasgow

Howat, Jane on 24/03/1858 at Ochiltree. Aged 89 years. Relict of the late Mr Andrew Hamilton, tailor and clothier, Ochiltree

Howat, John on 24/03/1858 at Boyd St. Kilmarnock. Aged 24 years

Lennox William on 11/03/1858 after a short but severe illness at Stewarton. Tailor and clothier—much and deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances

McCleod, Peter on 21/03/1858 at 56 King St. Kilmarnock. Aged 28 years. Late of Washington, U.S.

Wilson, George on 29/03/1858 at Mill Square, Catrine. In the 69th year of his age. Baker, Catrine

Campbell, Ann on 29/03/1858 of gastric fever, at Grasswater, Auchinleck. Daughter of Peter Campbell

Laybody, Mary on 31/03/1858 after a lingering illness, at Auchinleck. Aged 28 years. Wife of Samuel Hamilton
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 176, 10/04/1858


Nicol, Male on 03/04/1858 at Wave Cottage, Ardrossan. Father: Hugh

Barbour, Male on 01/04/1858 at Broomhill, Dundonald. Father not named

Cuthbertson, still-born Female on 03/04/1858 at Toponthank, parish of Kilmarnock. Father not named

Watson, Male on 01/04/1858 at Drybridge, Dundonald. Father not named

Cameron, Female on 02/04/1858 at Loudounhill. Father: William

Steel, Male on 27/03/1858 at High Newton, near Darvel. Father: John

Nimmo, Male on 06/04/1858 at Maybole. Father: Thomas

Maitland, Male on 05/04/1858 at Mull St. Catrine. Father: Alexander, labourer

Logan, Male on 06/04/1858 at No. 3 Miller St. Paisley. Father: Archibald

White, Female on 06/04/1858 at Cumnock. Father: Andrew, Esq., banker

Bently, Female on 24/01/1858 at Arran Cottage, Emerald Hill, Melbourne. Father: Hendrie

Kempt, William on 05/04/1858 at Lawn St. Paisley by the Rev. G. B. Porteous, Irvine, (brother of the bride), to Miss Margaret, only daughter of the late T. M. Porteous, Esq., professor of music, Glasgow

Porteous, Margaret on 05/04/1858 at Lawn St. Paisley by the Rev. G. B. Porteous, Irvine, (brother of the bride), to Mr William Kempt

Fordyce, George on 06/04/1858 at Croft Cottage, Kilmaurs by the Rev. Peter Cairns, of Stewarton, to Hanna, third daughter of the late Rev. David Robertson

Robertson, Hanna on 06/04/1858 at Croft Cottage, Kilmaurs by the Rev. Peter Cairns, of Stewarton, to George Fordyce, Esq., merchant, Glasgow

Ewen, Stephen on 07/04/1858 at Knock Castle, Largs by the Rev. John Kinross, M.A. to Margaret Eliza, youngest daughter of Robert Steele, Esq, of Knock

Steele, Margaret Eliza on 07/04/1858 at Knock Castle, Largs by the Rev. John Kinross, M.A. to Stephen Ewen, Esq., of Quarter

Hood, A. on 12/03/1858 at High St. Kilmarnock, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Peter Clark, spirit merchant there. (Not of the late Mr John McDonald, Catrine, as in last week's Herald)

Clark, Elizabeth on 12/03/1858 at High St. Kilmarnock, to Mr A. Hood, engineer

Murphy, Mr on 09/04/1858 at Warwickhill, Dreghorn by the Rev. Mr Mulroy, to Anna Calderwood, youngest daughter of Mr Edward Calderwood, pits-headman

Calderwood, Anna on 09/04/1858 at Warwickhill, Dreghorn by the Rev. Mr Mulroy, to Mr Murphy

McJannet, Isabella on 06/04/1858 at Kilmahew House, Ardrossan. Youngest daughter of the late Mr Robert McJannet, farmer in Myremill, Maybole

Kennedy, John on 04/04/1858 at Dalkeith. Aged 87. Formerly, and for a long period, governor of Ayr Prison. Friends will please accept this intimation

Ritchie, Joseph, Capt. suddenly on 20/01/1858 at Melbourne

Black, Elizabeth McKenney on 29/03/1858 at Wind Mill St.[sic]. Aged 5½ years. Daughter of Robert Black

Donaldson, George on 07/04/1858 at Dalmellington. Station-master

Home, Miss on 02/04/1858 at 19 Rutland St. Edinburgh. Of Fairlie Lodge, Ayrshire. Daughter of the late Vice-Admiral Sir George Home, Bart., of Blackadder

Marr, John R. on 24/02/1858 at Havana, on board the ship Dream, of Glasgow. Aged 24 years. Of Irvine

Miller, Matthew on 06/04/1858 at Roadside, Cumnock. Son of Mr Alexander Miller, late of Glaisnock
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 177, 17/04/1858


Fulton, Female on 10/04/1858 at Dalmellington Iron Works. Father: William

Taylor, Twin sons on 11/04/1858 at Garden St. Ayr. Father: Alexander

Clark, Twin son and daughter on 10/04/1858 at 32 High St. Ayr. Father: Quintin

Ramage, Male on 08/04/1858 at St. Cuthbert St. Catrine. Father: Robert

Loudon, Female on 04/04/1858 at Symington. Father: John, joiner

Lyon, Female on 05/04/1858 at Galston. Father: John W.

Strang, Female on 11/04/1858 at 13 Charlotte St. Ayr. Father not named

Struthers, Male [no date] at Moscow, parish of Kilmarnock. Father: Alexander

Hepburn, Male on 09/04/1858 at Back Lane, Catrine. Father: James jun.

Miller, Female on 15/04/1858 at Kilmaurs. Father: James, joiner

McGuire, Female on 24/03/1858 at Lugar. Father: Denis

McLorey, Male on 05/04/1858 at Churchhill, Auchinleck. Father: John

Haney, Male on 06/04/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Father: Peter

Baillie, Male on 09/04/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: Thomas

Reid, Male on 05/04/1858 at Commercial Inn, Auchinleck. Father: John

McShene, Female on 29/03/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: James

Thomson, Male on 13/04/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: William

Gibson, Robert on 09/04/1858 at Grange St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. V. Thomson, to Agnes Parker, Kilmarnock

Parker, Agnes on 09/04/1858 at Grange St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. V. Thomson, to Mr Robert Gibson, Stevenston

Dickson, Thomas on 02/04/1858 at 217 Brandon Place, Glasgow by the Rev. Stewart Smith, minister of Leadhills, to Mary Geddes, daughter of W. G. Borron, Esq., of Leadhills, formerly of Woolden Hall, Lancashire

Borron, Mary Geddes on 02/04/1858 at 217 Brandon Place, Glasgow by the Rev. Stewart Smith, minister of Leadhills, to Thomas Dickson, Esq., of Colombo, Island of Ceylon, Consul there for his Majesty the King of the Belgians

Lang, Matthew on 20/01/1858 at Snake Valley, near Beechworth, Australia by the Rev. John Grant, to Jane, only daughter of the late Mr Alexander Scott, farmer, Knockormal, Colmonell, Ayrshire

Scott, Jane on 20/01/1858 at Snake Valley, near Beechworth, Australia by the Rev. John Grant, to Mr Matthew Lang, wine merchant, Melbourne

Miller, William on 05/04/1858 at the Crown Inn, Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken to Miss Mary Dick

Dick, Mary on 05/04/1858 at the Crown Inn, Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken to Mr William Miller, innkeeper

Munn, Robert on 09/04/1858 at Ayr by the Rev. Thomas Dykes, to Mary, daughter of Mr John McClelland, Carrick St.

McClelland, Mary on 09/04/1858 at Ayr by the Rev. Thomas Dykes, to Mr Robert Munn, coachman, George Hotel, Kilmarnock

Ramsay, William on 05/04/1858 at Clark St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. John Symington, to Miss Agnes Boyd

Boyd, Agnes on 05/04/1858 at Clark St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. John Symington, to Mr William Ramsay, builder

Jack, John on 02/04/1858 at West Kilbride by the Rev. Mr Findlay, to Jeanie, only daughter of James Donaldson there

Donaldson, Jeanie on 02/04/1858 at West Kilbride by the Rev. Mr Findlay, to Mr John Jack, joiner

Hepburn, James on 02/04/1858 at Mull[sic] St. Catrine by the Rev. J. B. Biggar, to Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Mr Gordon McCrae, puddler, Muirkirk

McCrae, Isabella on 02/04/1858 at Mull[sic] St. Catrine by the Rev. J. B. Biggar, to Mr James Hepburn, labourer

Brown, Andrew on 16/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Ann Brown, daughter of William Brown, Engineman

Brown, Ann on 16/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Andrew Brown, miner

Campbell, John on 09/04/1858 at London. Captain of the Ship "Bridgeton"—a native of Saltcoats—much regretted

Shearer, Charles on 06/04/1858 at Glasgow St. Ardrossan. Aged 14 years. Son of Mr Thomas Shearer, ship-carpenter

Rodger, Robert on 14/04/1858 at Linn Toll, Dalry. Aged 40 years

Ross, Francis on 13/04/1858 at New St. Dalry. Aged 42 years

Walker, James on 10/04/1858 at Kilbirnie. Aged 10 years. Son of James Walker, net manufacturer

Buchanan, James on 11/04/1858 at Fergushill Orchard, Kilwinning. Aged 39 years. Son of Mr James Buchanan, assistant-forester, Eglinton

Girvan, George on 08/04/1858 at Newyards, Maybole. At an advanced age

Gray, Michael on 08/04/1858 at Berwickhall, parish of Coylton. Aged 86 years. Late gamekeeper on the Auchincruive estate

Graham, Jane on 03/04/1858 at Main St. Kilwinning. Aged 42 years. Wife of Mr John Nicol, baker

Auld, John on 06/04/1858 at Soulis St. Kilmarnock. Aged 4 years. Son of Mr Hugh Auld, shoemaker

Brown, John on 07/04/1858 at Glencairn Square, Kilmarnock. Aged 64 years. Weaver

Manson, Ann on 07/04/1858 at Kilbirnie. Aged 85 years. Relict of Mr James McCosh, coalmaster at Barkip

Jamieson, Jean on 11/04/1858 at Pisgah, Craigie. Aged 73 years. Wife of Mr John Stevenston[sic], farmer there

Blair, Robert on 12/04/1858 at Bonnington Square, Kilmarnock. In the 35th year of his age. Brass finisher

McGilvray, Agnes on 12/04/1858 at Ford St. Catrine. In the 17th year of her age. Third daughter of Mr James McGilvray, labourer

McCallum, Catherine on 14/04/1858 at her father's house Wood St. Catrine. In the 24th year of her age. Wife of Mr D. McKellar, and daughter of Mr John McCallum, Catrine, bleach works

Currie, Adam on 02/04/1858 at Carbellow, Auchinleck. Aged 64 years. Shepherd

Corvey, Jane on 06/04/1858 at Auchinleck. Aged 12 years. Daughter of Mr Henry Corvey

Martin, Alexander on 07/04/1858 at Darnconnar, Auchinleck. Aged 1 year. Son of Henry Martin

Baillie, infant on 10/04/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Infant child of Thomas Baillie

Burns, John on 13/04/1858 at Auchinleck. Aged 21 years. Warehouseman

Templeton, Martha Wilson on 13/04/1858 at Auchinleck. Aged 12 years. Daighter of George Templeton

McAreavy, Bernard on 13/04/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Aged 29 years. Iron miner
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 178, 24/04/1858


McKenna, Female on 19/04/1858 at Newton, Catrine. Father: David, Catrine Works

Hamilton, Male on 19/04/1858 at Montgomerie Cottage, Irvine. Father: John, Esq.

Davidson, Female on 18/04/1858 at Dalmellington Iron Works. Father: Francis

Allen, Female twins on 19/04/1858 at Eglinton Iron Works, Kilwinning. Father: William, wright

Service, Male on 18/04/1858 at Bridge-End, Kilwinning. Father: David D., M.D., surgeon

Barton, Male [no date] at Cross St. Stewarton. Father: A. L., Esq., M.E.

Clark, Female on 16/04/1858 at Ford St. Catrine. Father: Gilbert

Kay, Male on 19/04/1858 at Mill St. Catrine. Father: John

Morrison, Female on 21/04/1858 at Braehead, Beith. Father: John, late station master at Kilbirnie

McCall, Female on 16/04/1858 at Mill St. Catrine. Father: William

Young, Male on 20/04/1858 at the King's Arms Inn, Irvine. Father: George

Blair, Campbell on 13/04/1858 at Millmark, Galloway by the Rev. Samuel Blair, Dalry, to Mary, youngest daughter of John Watson, Esq.

Watson, Mary on 13/04/1858 at Millmark, Galloway by the Rev. Samuel Blair, Dalry, to Campbell Blair, Esq., merchant, Glasgow

Crawford, James on 21/04/1858 at Fore St. Ayr by the Rev. Mr Morrison, to Robina McIlraith. eldest daughter of James McCreadie, Esq., merchant

McCreadie, Robina McIlraith on 21/04/1858 at Fore St. Ayr by the Rev. Mr Morrison, to Mr James Crawford

Martin, James on 19/04/1858 at Newton-Stewart by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, to Janet, second daughter of Mr James Auld, miler[sic]

Auld, Janet on 19/04/1858 at Newton-Stewart by the Rev. Samuel Richardson, to Mr James Martin, Kilwinning

Watson, John on 15/04/1858 at 24 Monteith Row, Glasgow by the Rev. Dr Runciman, to Annie, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Brown, formerly coalmaster, Cathcart

Brown, Annie on 15/04/1858 at 24 Monteith Row, Glasgow by the Rev. Dr Runciman, to Mr John Watson, farmer, Arran

McDougall, John on 20/04/1858 at 48 North Portland St. Glasgow by the Rev. James Paterson, D.D., to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr Alexander Ramsay, Kilwinning

Ramsay, Jane on 20/04/1858 at 48 North Portland St. Glasgow by the Rev. James Paterson, D.D., to Mr John McDougall

Paton, Sarah on 21/04/1858 at Glasgow Lane, Ardrossan. Eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Paton, wright

Thomson, Jane on 16/04/1858 at Grange St. Kilmarnock. Relict of Matthew Brown, Esq.

Muir, Robert on 19/04/1858 at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, John St., Wallacetown, Ayr. Aged 25 years. Eldest son of Mr Robert Muir

Carnegie, Agnes on 15/04/1858 at Wood St. Catrine. Aged 87 years. Relict of the late Mr Robert McKinnell, labourer, Catrine

Paterson, Margaret on 18/04/1858 at Ochiltree. In the 65th year of her age. Third daughter of the late Mr William Paterson, farmer, Pool

Boyd, Christina on 19/04/1858 at Largs. Wife of James Caskie, Esq., surgeon

Findlay, Janet on 19/04/1858 at New Road, Riccarton. Aged 79 years. Wife of Mr Thomas Porter

Falconer, George on 10/04/1858 at Halfway, Irvine. Aged 40 years. In consequence of injuries received at Mr A. Stewart's Foundry [see below].

From the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 177, 17/04/1858
Serious Accident
.—On Monday last, a workman, named George Falconer, engaged at Mr A. Stewart's Foundry, met with a serious accident, which, it is feared, will yet prove fatal. Whilst engaged in swinging round the jib of a crane, which had but lately been used in raising a beam of nearly four tons, the jib suddenly gave way, owing to the defective nature of the bolt which sustained it, and falling down struck Falconer, breaking both his legs—the left one in two places. Several of his ribs were also broken, and other internal injuries sustained, which preclude all hope of recovery. A quantity of sand lying in the immediate locality served, in some measure, to break the force of the fall, otherwise death would have been immediate. Had it given way when raising the heavy beam we shudder to think what the consequences would have been. How imperative it is for masters to examine minutely the state of their machinery, so that the lives of their workmen may not be placed in jeopardy.
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 179, 01/05/1858


Brodie, Female on 26/04/1858 at Ardrossan. Father: Alexander, dockgate man. [For more information on Alexander, see ... exbrod.htm]

On 19/04/1858 the Countess of Arran, a daughter

Galt, Male on 17/04/1858 at King St. Kilmarnock. Father: Adam

Glass, Male on 26/04/1858 at the Tam o' Shanter Inn, Ayr. Father not named

Hood, Male on 16/04/1858 at Balmesh, Old Luce. Father not named

Kelly, Female on 18/04/1858 at Bonnieton Square, Kilmarnock. Father: Robert

Todd, Female on 27/04/1858 at Dalmellington. Father: William

Morrison, Male on 26/04/1858 at Bank St. Kilmarnock. Father: G.

Stevenston[sic], Twins on 27/04/1858 at Smithston, Kilwinning. Father: William, farmer

Mackenzie, John on 27/04/1858 at Portobello by the Rev. Mr Alexander Philip, to Ellen, fifth daughter of Mr Douglas

Douglas, Ellen on 27/04/1858 at Portobello by the Rev. Mr Alexander Philip, to the Rev. John Mackenzie, missionary to Central Africa

Love, David on 27/04/1858 at 40 Mill St. Ayr by the Rev. John Robertson, to Mary Kerr, widow of Mr Thomas Smith

Kerr, Mary on 27/04/1858 at 40 Mill St. Ayr by the Rev. John Robertson, to Mr David Love

McGeachin, Dougald on 23/04/1858 at Cumnock by the Rev. John McAuslane, to Miss Margaret L. White, dressmaker

White, Margaret L. on 23/04/1858 at Cumnock by the Rev. John McAuslane, to Mr Dougald McGeachin, shoemaker

McAdam, Charles on 31/04/1858* at Lachine, Canada by the Rev. John Davidson, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Alexander Leitch, Esq., late of Paisley, Scotland

Leitch, Margaret on 31/04/1858* at Lachine, Canada by the Rev. John Davidson, to Charles McAdam, Esq., of Montreal, second son of Hugh McAdam, Esq., J.P. of New Glasgow
* The date of the marriage is obviously wrong and might be 31/03/1858.

Stewart, Ellen on 24/04/1858 at Dockhead St. Saltcoats. Wife of Mr John Cook, tailor

Dickie, Agnes on 25/04/1858 at Kilmaurs. Youngest daughter of the late Mr Robert Dickie, of Crossroads, Dreghorn

Ashcroft, Edward on 17/04/1858 at East Netherton, Kilmarnock. Aged 58. Blockcutter

Cowan, Eliza on 23/04/1858 at Wheatrigg, Dreghorn. Infant daughter of Mr George Cowan

Mitchell, Andrew on 23/04/1858 at Stewart Place, Catrine. In the 75th year of his age. Hawker

Orr, Dr Alexander on 21/04/1858 at Irvine. Surgeon, formerly of the Stirlingshire Militia—much regretted

Paterson, Gavin on 23/04/1858 at Hill, parish of Galston. Aged 63 years. Farmer

Hamilton, Jean on 17/04/1858 at Langside, parish of Galston. Aged 85 years, after protracted affliction. Wife of Mr John Taylor

Wilson, Rev. Robert on 23/04/1858 at Greenock. Minister of the United Presbyterian Church, Nicholson St.

Wyllie, William on 25/04/1858 at Troon. Mason

Wilson, John on 19/04/1858 at 2 County Place, Paisley. Aged 22 years. Son of the late Mr John Wilson, Paisley, and
Wilson, Robert on 28/04/1858 at London. Aged 33 years. Son of the late Mr John Wilson, Paisley
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 180, 08/05/1858

Dick, Male on 01/05/1858 at Whitehall St. Maybole. Father: John, mason

Paton, Male on 05/05/1858 at Portland Villa, Troon. Father: Alexander

Reid, Female on 02/05/1858 at Content St. Ayr. Father: Alexander, joiner

Samson, Male on 22/04/1858 at Castle Farm Saw-Mill, Belfast. Father: John, late of Ayrshire

Young, Male on 02/05/1858 at Darvel Manse. Father Rev. Alexander Young

McGill, Female on 30/04/1858 at Patna. Father: William

McWhinnie, Female on 13/04/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: John

Hair, Female on 13/04/1858 at Dernconner[sic], Auchinleck. Father: Joseph

Madonachie, Male on 20/04/1858 at Morton Moor, Auchinleck. Father: William

Maxwell, Female on 02/05/1858 at the Free Church Manse, Kilmaurs. Father James

Hood, Male on 02/05/1858 at Wood St. Catrine. Father: John, junr., miner

Urquhart, Female on 16/04/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: William

Cameron, Male on 20/04/1858 at Cronberry, Auchinleck. Father: Alexander

Smith, Female on 16/04/1858 at Common, Auchinleck. Father: William

Gilmour, Female on 20/04/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: Matthew

White, Robert on 03/05/1858 at Templehill, Troon by the Rev. A. H. Cowan, of the Free Church, to Jeanie, daughter of Mr James Currie, ropemaker, Troon

Currie, Jeanie on 03/05/1858 at Templehill, Troon by the Rev. A. H. Cowan, of the Free Church, to Mr Robert White

Carswell, Hugh [no date given] at All Saints' Church, Grosvenor Square, Manchester by the Rev. Charles Burton, to Eliza, eldest daughter of Thomas Hyland, Esq., of Ardwick, Manchester

Hyland, Eliza [no date given] at All Saints' Church, Grosvenor Square, Manchester by the Rev. Charles Burton, to Hugh Carswell, Esq., of Kilmarnock

Young, Matthew on 27/04/1858 at Galston by the Rev. Mr Macindoe, to Jeanie, only daughter of Mr John Wallace, Galston

Wallace, Jeanie on 27/04/1858 at Galston by the Rev. Mr Macindoe, to Mr Matthew Young, Kilmarnock

McMillan, James on 30/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. John McAuslane, to Elizabeth Davidson

Davidson, Elizabeth on 30/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. John McAuslane, to James McMillan

Scott, William on 30/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Sarah Chapman, daughter of the deceased William Chapman

Chapman, Sarah on 30/04/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to William Scott, miner

Wilson, Robert, of consumption on 28/04/1858 at 40 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London. Aged 33 years. A native of Paisley, and connected a few years ago with the newspaper press of Glasgow. His youngest brother, John, died of the same disease, at Paisley, on the 19th ult., aged 22 years [see death notice last week]

Allan, John, Captain on 24/04/1858 at Friars Croft, Irvine. Aged 44 years

Goldie, Mary on 01/05/1858 at Raith, parish of Tarbolton. Aged 64. Wife of Mr John Boyle, farmer

Caldwell, Andrew on 27/04/1858 at Prestwick. Farmer

Carmichael, Neil on 27/04/1858 at Halfway, Irvine. Aged 37 years. Engineer

Dickie, Marion on 27/04/1858 at Clark Street Terrace, Kilmarnock. Aged 19 years. Eldest daughter of Mr Francis Dickie, cabinet-maker

Irvine, James Edmund on 28/04/1858 at High St. Irvine. Aged 55 years. Writer.—Friends will please accept of this intimation

Fame, Henry, ser. on 27/04/1858 at Dunlop. Aged 87 years

Guthrie, Alexander on 29/04/1858 at Monkton. Son of Mr Robert Guthrie

Hunter, John on 29/04/1858 at High St. Maybole. Youngest son of Mr John Hunter, joiner

Kennedy, Agnes on 24/04/1858 at 60 Stockwell St Glasgow. Aged 23 years. Youngest daughter of the late Mr John Kennedy, watchmaker, Maybole

Martin, Widow on 24/04/1858 at Robertson Place, Kilmarnock. Aged 39 years

McManus, Innar on 24/04/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Aged 60 years. Daughter of Cormick McManus

McEwen, Patrick on 03/05/1858 at Mosshouse, Auchinleck. Aged 18 months. Son of Michael McEwen, iron miner

Todd, Matthew on 23/04/1858 at Cronberry, Auchinleck. Aged 18 months. Son of John Todd
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 181, 15/05/1858


Campbell, Male on 08/05/1858 at Dalmellington. Father: Andrew

McCall, Male on 09/05/1858 at Dalmellington. Father: D.

Alston, Female on 06/05/1858 at Newlands, near Loudounhill. Father: Robert, Esq.

Black, Male on 09/05/1858 at Clydesdale Bank, Kilmarnock. Father: James

Brown, Female on 06/05/1858 at Braehead House, Beith. Father Hugh, Esq., of Broadstone

Ferguson, Female on 10/05/1858 at Fullwood, Stewarton. Father: John, of Fullwood

Foulds, Male on 10/05/1858 at Mauchline. Father: Dr Foulds

Hood, Female on 07/05/1858 at Troon. Father: Alexander

Jack, Male on 02/05/1858 at Townhead, Kilwinning. Father: John, farmer

Oliver, Andrew [no date given] at Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken, to Miss Jean Tannock

Tannock, Jean [no date given] at Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken, to Mr Andrew Oliver

Bryce, Rev. John, Minister of Ardrossan, on 14/05/1858 at the Manse. In the 59th year of his age, and 28th of his ministry.

Borland, Elizabeth on 09/05/1858 at Drakemire St. Saltcoats. Aged 16. Eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Borland, carter—much regretted

Currie, John on 13/05/1858 at Dockhead St. Saltcoats. Son of the late John Currie, seaman

Hood, James on 09/05/1858 at Stonelaw Cottage, Rutherglen, the residence of Mr Robert Hood, his father. Aged 28. Late engineer on board the P. & Q.[sic] Steam Navigation Coy's (SS) ship "Nubia"

Brown, Thomas on 05/05/1858 at Strandhead, Stewarton. Aged 67 years. Blacksmith

Clark, Jane on 02/05/1858 at Stewarton. Aged 9 years. Eldest Daughter of Mr Thomas Clark, shoemaker

Drinnan, James Kennedy on 02/05/1858 at Croft St. Kilmarnock. Aged 26 years. Son of the late Mr John Drinnan

Farquhar, Mrs John on 08/05/1858 at Newtown, Catrine. In the 88th year of her age

Fulton, Elizabeth Stevenson on 03/05/1858 at Dean Quarry, Kilmarnock. Aged 10 years.

Gibb, Agnes on 06/05/1858 at High St. Irvine. Aged 72 years

Harper, Robert on 04/05/1858 at Boyd St. Kilmarnock. Aged 65 years. Grocer

Paton, Andrew on 03/05/1858 at Mauchline. At an advanced age. Sewing agent

Reid, Robert on 04/05/1858 at Dailly. Aged 18 years. Baker. Son of Mr David Reid, woollen weaver, Ochiltree

Ross, James [no date given] at the Parish School House, Dunlop. Aged 5 years. Youngest son of Mr William Ross, parish schoolmaster

Hunter, John S[?] on 28/04/1858 at Glasgow. In the 34th year of his age. Grandson of the late Mr John Hunter, Barr Mill, near Galston. —Friends at a distance will be pleased to accept of this intimation

Hosie, James on 19/03/1858 at Barbadoes. Engineer
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 182, 22/05/1858


Poe, Male on 19/05/1858 at Raise St. Saltcoats. Father: James, Captain

Collie, Male on 12/05/1858 at Carrick St. Ayr. Father: John, jun.

Connell, Female on 15/05/1858 at Braehead, Lochwinnoch. Father not named

Martin, Male on 10/05/1858 at Greenside, Maybole. Father: Archibald

Scanlan, Male on 05/05/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: Peter

McDuff, Female on 13/05/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Father: Stephen

Gracey, Female on 12/05/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: John, labourer

Patrick, Female on 19/05/1858 at Annick Lodge Colliery, Irvine. Father: James, clerk

Cumming, John [no date given] at London Road, Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. Landsborough, to Miss Mary Andrew

Andrew, Mary [no date given] at London Road, Kilmarnock by the Rev. D. Landsborough, to Mr John Cumming, block-printer

Malcolm, Thomas on 10/05/1858 at Post Office Vennel, Maybole by the Rev. Dr Menzies, to Mary, second daughter of the late Mr James McMillan

McMillan, Mary on 10/05/1858 at Post Office Vennel, Maybole by the Rev. Dr Menzies, to Mr Thomas Malcolm, shoemaker, Wallacetown, Ayr

Gilmour, Hugh on 14/05/1858 at Holmhead, Auchinleck by the Rev. William Hutton, to Agnes McDonald, daughter of Angus McDonald, formerly of Cumnock

McDonald, Agnes on 14/05/1858 at Holmhead, Auchinleck by the Rev. William Hutton, to Hugh Gilmour, draper, St Mary's Lincoln

McCallum, John on 19/05/1858 at Princes Lane, Ardrossan. Son of Mr Duncan McCallum

Hamilton, Mary on 20/05/1858 at Rutherglen Road, Glasgow. Wife of James Willock, carrier, Saltcoats

Anderson, William on 12/05/1858 at Corsehouse, Stewarton. Aged 25 years. Draper. Son of Mr Anderson, farmer

Farquhar, Flora on 19/05/1858 at 95 Crown St. Glasgow. Relict of the late Mr William Cameron, Western Bank, Ayr

Lockhart, Samuel on 13/05/1858 at Walflat, Tarbolton. Aged 67 years

Mathie, Mrs John, of Kilmarnock, on 14/05/1858 at her father's house. Eldest daughter of the Rev. Hugh Young, Lauriston, near Falkirk

Murrie [Murray], Betty on 10/05/1858 at Ochiltree. Aged 95 years—a native of that parish

McGregor, Isabella on 08/05/1858 at Bowring Place, Kilmarnock. Aged 18 years. Daughter of Mr McGregor, printing-master

Roy, William on 11/05/1858 of congestion on the brain [stroke], at Dean St. Stewarton. Aged 20 years. Carpet weaver

Bennet, Elizabeth on 18/05/1858 at Braehead, Auchinleck. Wife of John Girvan, iron miner

No name on 19/05/1858 at Kirkford, Stewarton. At the advanced age of 88 years
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 183, 29/05/1858


Boyd, Male on 22/05/1858 at Harbour St. Ardrossan. Father: John

Brown, Male on 24/05/1858 at Portland Terrace, Kilmarnock. Father: Alexander

Dreghorn, Female on 16/05/1858 at East George St. Kilmarnock. Father: John

Tait, Female on 22/05/1858 at Schoolwell St. Stevenston. Father: Archibald, mason

Hunter, Female on 16/05/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning. Father: William, draper

Gilchrist, Female on 22/05/1858 at Langlands St. Kilmarnock. Father: Andrew, joiner

Kirk, Male on 17/05/1858 at Kirkgate St. Irvine. Father: John

McClaymont, Male on 20/05/1858 at Quarryhill, Maybole. Father: Quintin

Boyd, Male on 21/04/1858 at Morrison Whiteside County, Illinois, North America. Father: John

Peacock, Female on 25/05/1858 at Townhead St. Stevenston. Father: Thomas, Ardeer coachman

Ward, Female on 15/05/1858 at Cotton House, Kilwinning. Father: Bernard

Kennedy, Male on 09/05/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Father: William, blacksmith

Wilson, Male on 09/05/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Father: Alexander, iron miner

Bell, Male on 07/05/1858 at Derconner[sic], Auchinleck. Father: John, iron miner

Campbell, Male on 09/05/1858 at Common, Auchinleck. Father: Thomas, coal miner

McDonald, Female on 26/05/1858 at High St. Irvine. Father: C., painter

Paterson, William on 18/05/1858 at Barr by the Rev. William Corsan, minister of Girvan, to Miss Margaret Murray

Murray, Margaret on 18/05/1858 at Barr by the Rev. William Corsan, minister of Girvan, to Mr William Paterson, spirit merchant, Girvan.

Arthur, Anne on 27/05/1858 at Hamilton St. Saltcoats. Relict of the late Mr John Logan

McMillan, James on 27/05/1858 at Princes Lane, Ardrossan. Only son of Mr James McMillan, joiner

Boyd, Alexander on 18/05/1858 at Ochiltree. Only son of the late Mr William Boyd, spirit-merchant, Glasgow

Campbell, Hugh on 19/05/1858 at Brisbane Road, Largs. Late harbour master

Dean, Ellen on 18/05/1858 at West Grange St. Kilmarnock. Aged 55 years. Wife of Mr Robert Dean, carpet weaver

Haddow, Alexander on 17/05/1858 at Galston. Son of Mr Adam Haddow, merchant

Megget, Mary on 21/05/1858 at Townhead, Beith. Wife of Mr David Hunter, shoemaker

Mulherrine, John on 24/05/1858 at Seagate, Irvine. Aged 31 years. Seaman

Baillie, Robert on 24/05/1858 at Millport. Youngest son of Hugh Baillie, farmer, Upper Kirkton, Cumbrae—by the upsetting of a sailing boat

Harper, Mary on 19/05/1858 at Kirkford, Stewarton. At the advanced age of 80 years

Cross, Janet on 17/05/1858 at Mill St. Catrine. In the 3rd year of her age. Only daughter of Mr John Cross, miner

McFadzean, Jean on 17/05/1858 at Newton; Catrine. Wife of Mr Archibald Miller, surfaceman to the road trustees

Nimmo, Janet McLure on 23/05/1858 at Little Rigg, Auchinleck. Infant daughter of Mungo Nimmo, contractor

Girvan, Sarah Brown on 26/05/1858 at Braehead, Auchinleck. Aged 3 years. Daughter of John Girvan, iron miner

Murdoch, Alexander on 18/05/1858 at Ochiltree. Grocer there

Paton, Mary on 22/05/1858 at Fenwick. In the 87th year of her age. Relict of Mr John Taylor, weaver there

Young, Mrs Jean on 19/05/1858 at West Netherton, Kilmarnock. Aged 64 years
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 184, 05/06/1858


McGuire, Male on 01/06/1858 at Glasgow St. Ardrossan. Father: Thomas

Chrystie, Male on 31/05/1858 at Quay St. Saltcoats. Father: James

Hood, Male on 01/06/1858 at Burnside House, Mauchline. Father: Thomas, Esq.

Lees, Male on 26/05/1858 at Wood St. Catrine. Father: Thomas

Lindsay, Female twins—one still-born on 28/05/1858 at Towerhill, by Kilmaurs. Father: Christopher

Orr, Female on 23/05/1858 at Fenwick. Father: James

Smellie, Male on 22/05/1858 at King St. Kilmarnock. Father: John

Begg, Female on 30/05/1858 at Cumnock. Father: James, engineer

Auld, Male on 01/06/1858 at Greenfoot House [no town given, probably Kilwinning]. Father: David

McDermott, Male on 20/05/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: Michael, miner

Pearce, Female on 23/05/1858 at Common, Auchinleck. Father: James

Wylie, Female on 29/05/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: James

Wylie, William on 01/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Miss Jean Brown, third daughter of the late Mr Thomas Brown, Stranhead Stewarton

Brown, Jean on 01/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to William Wylie, Esq.

Colvin, James on 28/05/1858 at Wood St. Catrine by the Rev. John Reid, to Grace, only daughter of Mr John Montgomerie, char contractor, Glenlogan Works

Montgomerie, Grace on 28/05/1858 at Wood St. Catrine by the Rev. John Reid, to Mr James Colvin, miner

Drinnan, James on 31/05/1858 at Dyke, Symington by the Rev. John Ferguson, to Margaret Anderson, grand-daughter of Mr James Anderson, farmer, Dyke

Anderson, Margaret on 31/05/1858 at Dyke, Symington by the Rev. John Ferguson, to James Drinnan, eldest son of Mr John Drinnan, Symington

Gibb, James on 25/05/1858 at Low Glencairn St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Banks, to Miss Mary Latta

Latta, Mary on 25/05/1858 at Low Glencairn St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Banks, to Mr James Gibb, calico printer

Alcock, Richard on 27/05/1858 at Cronberry, Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Jane Hair, daughter of James Hair, farmer

Hair, Jane on 27/05/1858 at Cronberry, Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Richard Alcock, farm servant

Bannatyne, James on 30/05/1858 at Lamlash Hotel, Arran.—Friends will please accept of this intimation

Brown, James on 22/05/1858 at Robertson Place, Kilmarnock. Aged 40 years. Shoemaker

Wilkie, Janet Renwick on 31/05/1858 at Main St. Kilwinning. After a lingering illness, endured with Christian resignation. Wife of Mr William Dale, bookseller

Eaglesham, Robert on 22/05/1858 after an illness of several years continuance, at Lainshaw Mill, Stewarton. Aged 30 years. Ironmonger

Cooper, Elspeth on 28/05/1858 at the Cottage, Green St. Ayr. Wife of Mr David Murray, Lyon, overseer, Ayr Advertiser Office

Gunn, John on 05/05/1858 at Newland parish of Farr, Sutherlandshire.

Wilson, Margaret on 29/05/1858 at Mauchline. Wife of Mr Hugh Millar, baker

Todd, James on 27/05/1858 at his son-in-law's, Stewarton. Aged 82 years. Late toll-keeper

Walker, Mrs Margaret on 29/05/1858 at the house of her son-in-law, Mr Walter MacLellan, 3 South Wellington Place, Glasgow. Relict of Thomas Walker, Esq., Gateside, Stewarton

McFarlan, James on 01/06/1858 at Newton, Catrine. Miner

Miller, Margaret on 01/06/1858 at Commercial Road, Hutchisontown, Glasgow. In the 84th year of her age. Relict of the late Mr Andrew Borland, weaver, Mauchline

Guthrie, Agnes on 31/05/1858 at Cumnock. At an advanced age

Goldie, William, senior on 01/06/1858 at Spout Row, Cumnock.

Cairns, James on 28/05/1858 at Commondyke, Auchinleck. Infant son of John Cairns, miner

McGee, Mary on 29/05/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Aged 1 year. Daughter of Thomas McGee

Forbet, Alexander Macutcheon on 28/05/1858 at Gaswater, Auchinleck. Aged 1 year. Son of William Forbet
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 185, 12/06/1858


Duff, Female on 06/06/1858 at Ardrossan. Father: William

Thomson, Male on 08/06/1858 at Ardrossan. Father: J.

Bannatyne, Male on 08/06/1858 at Harbour St. Ardrossan. Father: Robert

Hamilton, Female on 06/06/1858 at Belfast. Father: Robert, engineer

Muir, Male on 11/06/1858 at Countess St. Saltcoats. Father: Robert, merchant

Gibson, Male on 26/05/1858 at Auchinleck. Father: Daniel, tinsmith

Conleir, Female on 27/05/1858 at Dernconner[sic] Auchinleck. Father: Felix

Morton, Female on 22/05/1858 at Black Bull Inn, Auchinleck. Father: James, innkeeper

Henry, Male on 03/06/1858 at Lamlash, Arran. Father: James, Esq., of the Preventive Service

Hillhouse, Female on 07/06/1858 at Schaw, parish of Ochiltree. Father not named

McMillan, Female on 04/06/1858 at Cross St. Wallacetown, Ayr. Father: Malcolm, cabinetmaker

McWilliam, Female on 05/06/1858 at Colmonell. Father: John, inspector of poor

Stewart, Female on 06/06/1858 at Friars Croft, Irvine. Father: A. M., founder

Temple, Female on 06/06/1858 at the Parochial School-house, Ballantrae. Father: R., teacher

Wason[sic], Male on 09/05/1858 at Quigley's Corner, Lochiel, Glengarry, Canada West. Father: George S., late of Thistle Bank, Girvan, Ayrshire

Hunter, Female on 03/06/0858 at Union Place, Kilwinning. Father: Robert. teacher of music

Kerr, Female on 10/06/1858 At Main St. Kilwinning. Father: Robert

Andrew, Hugh on 01/06/1858 at Hamilton by the Rev. Thomas Struthers, to Janet, third daughter of Bailie Black, Hamilton

Black, Janet on 01/06/1858 at Hamilton by the Rev. Thomas Struthers, to Mr Hugh Andrew, Troon

Campbell, Hugh on 01/06/1858 at Dalrymple by the Rev. Robert Wallace, to Agnes, second daughter of Mr T. Gibson, Dalrymple Inn

Gibson, Agnes on 01/06/1858 at Dalrymple by the Rev. Robert Wallace, to Mr Hugh Campbell

Dunlop, Robert on 03/06/1858 at Pennysoarach[sic] by the Rev. James Lambie, to Ann, second daughter of Mr James Paterson, farmer, Pennysoarach, Southend, Campbelton

Paterson, Ann on 03/06/1858 at Pennysoarach by the Rev. James Lambie, to Mr Robert Dunlop, farmer, Magbiehill, Stewarton

Kennedy, Alexander on 01/06/1858 at High St. Maybole by the Rev. James Moir, to Miss Marion McConnell

McConnell, Marion on 01/06/1858 at High St. Maybole by the Rev. James Moir, to Mr Alexander Kennedy, Glasgow

Muir, John on 01/06/1858 at 2 Back Sneddin St. Paisley by the Rev. Andrew Henderson, United Presbyterian minister, to Mary, daughter of Mr Archibald Fleming, ranger to Lord Glasgow, at Inverkip

Fleming, Mary on 01/06/1858 at 2 Back Sneddin St. Paisley by the Rev. Andrew Henderson, United Presbyterian minister, to Mr John Muir, merchant, Saltcoats

Weir, William on 09/06/1858 at the residence of the brides father, Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. J. Rankin, to Jane, second daughter of Mr John Johnston, sawyer, Catrine Works

Johnston, Jane on 09/06/1858 at the residence of the brides father, Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. J. Rankin, to Mr William Weir, teacher, Puslinch, County of Wellington, Canada West

Nicol, James on 08/06/1858 at Graystanehill, parish of Neilston by the Rev. Mr Aird, to Flora, eldest daughter of the late John McLeod, Esq.

McLeod, Flora on 08/06/1858 at Graystanehill, parish of Neilston by the Rev. Mr Aird, to Mr James Nicol, watchmaker, Kilmarnock

Parker, Robert on 04/06/1858 at Main St. Newton, Ayr by the Rev. Walter Morrison, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Gilbert Eccles, late farmer in Mid Corton

Eccles, Elizabeth on 04/06/1858 at Main St. Newton, Ayr by the Rev. Walter Morrison, to Mr Robert Parker, Irvine

Ramsay, Hugh on 04/06/1858 at the Whip Inn, Ayr by the Rev. Walter Morison[sic], to Margaret, daughter of Mr Walter McConnell, Ochiltree

McConnell, Margaret on 04/06/1858 at the Whip Inn, Ayr by the Rev. Walter Morison[sic], to Mr Hugh Ramsay of Messrs Paton's, South Quay

Sawers, Robert on 04/06/1858 at Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. John McGowan, to Miss Jane Patrick, late of New Cumnock

Patrick, Jane on 04/06/1858 at Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. John McGowan, to Mr Robert Sawers

Steven, T. B. Esq. on 02/06/1858 at St. Mary's Church, Islington by the Rev. J. E. Cox, M.A. R.S.A., Vicar of St Helen's Bishopsgate, to Clara, youngest daughter of the late Robert Spencer, Esq., London

Spencer, Clara on 02/06/1858 at St. Mary's Church, Islington by the Rev. J. E. Cox, M.A. R.S.A., Vicar of St Helen's Bishopsgate, to
T. B. Steven, Esq., Woodend, near Kilmarnock

Stevenson, Thomas on 02/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Miss Janet Laughland, Stewarton

Laughland, Janet on 02/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Mr Thomas Stevenson, victualler, Glasgow

Thomson, A. on 08/06/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. George Roger, Original Secession Church, to Agnes, daughter of Mr James Morton, Auchinleck

Morton, Agnes on 08/06/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. George Roger, Original Secession Church, to Mr A. Thomson, Lesmahagow

Thomson, George on 04/06/1858 at 8 Alloway Place, Ayr by the Rev. Robert Wallace, to Miss Jane Todd

Todd, Jane on 04/06/1858 at 8 Alloway Place, Ayr by the Rev. Robert Wallace, to Mr George Thomson

Wylie, William on 01/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Miss Jane Brown

Brown, Jane on 01/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Mr William Wylie, weaver

Young, Thomas on 05/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Miss Agnes Dunlop, dressmaker

Dunlop, Agnes on 05/06/1858 at Stewarton by the Rev. C. B. Steven, to Mr Thomas Young, mill-wright

Gibson, William on 04/06/1858 at Glenside, Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Elizabeth McGeshin, farm servant

McGeshin, Elizabeth on 04/06/1858 at Glenside, Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to William Gibson

Logan, Jessie on 10/06/1858 at Rosebank Cottage, Saltcoats. Only daughter of Capt. Charles Logan

Auld, Rev. Robert T., of Moneydie, Perthshire on 02/06/1858 at Kilmarnock

Fulton, Mary on 01/06/1858 at Commonhead, Riccarton. Wife of Mr William Campbell

Steel, Margaret on 04/06/1858 at Kingsford, Stewarton. Aged 17 years. Daughter of Mr James Steel

Stewart, John on 29/05/1858 at 11 South Stirling St. Glasgow. Carver. Eldest son of Mr Andrew Stewart, sometime carpet-weaver in Ayr

Stewart, Henry on 07/06/1858 at Poor's House, Auchinleck. Aged 64 years.

Hattrick, James on 10/06/1858 at Cross St. Stewarton, the house of his brother-in-law. Aged 42 years
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Re: Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald Intimations 1854-1910

Post by hahaya2004 »

Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald No. 186, 19/06/1858


Baird, Female on 17/06/1858 at Melbourne Terrace, Saltcoats. Father: Hugh, Captain

Brown, Male on 14/06/1858 at Greenock Mains. Father not named

Cowan, Female on 14/06/1858 T Newtown; Catrine. Father: James

Laidley, Female on 09/06/1858 at Quay, Irvine. Father: James, Captain

Munn, Female on 27/05/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Father: William, engine-keeper

Campbell, Female on 03/06/1858 at Lugar. Father: Henderson, iron-miner

Murray, Female on 04/16/1858 at Gaswater, Auchinleck. Father: David, engine-keeper

Dickson, Male on 08/06/1858 at Dernconner[sic], Auchinleck. Father: William, iron-miner

Wilson, David on 15/06/1858 at Glasgow St. Ardrossan by the Rev. S. S. Stobbs, to Janet, eldest daughter of Duncan McNicol, farmer, Gortian-Alister [Gortonallister], Arran

McNicol, Janet on 15/06/1858 at Glasgow St. Ardrossan by the Rev. S. S. Stobbs, to David Wilson, mason

Rankin, James, Esq. on 18/06/1858 at 91 North Frederick St. Glasgow by the Rev. James Banks, Kilmarnock, to Margaret, third daughter of the late John McClymont, Esq., merchant, Glasgow

McClymont, Margaret on 18/06/1858 at 91 North Frederick St. Glasgow by the Rev. James Banks, Kilmarnock, to James Rankin, Esq., surgeon, Kilmaurs

Watt, Henry on 10/06/1858 at 54 Renfrew St. Glasgow by the Rev. Robert Currie, of Torryburn, brother to the bride, to Janet, youngest daughter of the late Robert Currie, Esq., of Dalkeith

Currie, Janet on 10/06/1858 at 54 Renfrew St. Glasgow by the Rev. Robert Currie, of Torryburn, brother to the bride, to Mr Henry Watt, accountant

Cunningham, William Young on 16/06/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to Margaret Brown, milliner, Ayr, daughter of H. Brown, merchant, Auchinleck

Brown, Margaret on 16/06/1858 at Auchinleck by the Rev. James Chrystal, to William Young Cunningham, draper, Ayr

Love, John on 10/06/1858 at the Thistle Hotel, Symington by the Rev. J. Davidson, to Miss Sarah Gibson, Hollows, Symington

Gibson, Sarah on 10/06/1858 at the Thistle Hotel, Symington by the Rev. J. Davidson, to John Love, Esq., Dunoon

Spence, David on 14/06/1858 at South Quay, Ayr by the Rev. William Grant, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Robert Young

Young, Jane on 14/06/1858 at South Quay, Ayr by the Rev. William Grant, to Mr David Spence, cabinet-maker

Chalmers, David on 10/06/1858 at Gateside, parish of Kilwinning by the Rev. William Pinkerton, to Mary, second daughter of Mr James Kennedy, farmer, Gateside

Kennedy, Mary on 10/06/1858 at Gateside, parish of Kilwinning by the Rev. William Pinkerton, to Mr David Chalmers, farmer, Barleith, Ardrossan

Steven, James on 11/06/1858 at Bentfauld, parish of Kilwinning by the Rev. Dr Campbell, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr George Fleming, farmer

Fleming, Margaret on 11/06/1858 at Bentfauld, parish of Kilwinning by the Rev. Dr Campbell, to Mr James Steven, farmer, North Highgate, parish of Beith

Stewart, Thomas on 08/06/1858 at Titchfield St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken, to Annie, eldest daughter of the late William Bunten, Esq., banker, Kilmarnock

Bunten, Annie on 08/06/1858 at Titchfield St. Kilmarnock by the Rev. James Aitken, to Thomas Stewart, Esq., ironmonger

Archibald, Andrew on 11/06/1858 at Newtown, Catrine by the Rev. J. B. Biggar, to Janet, eldest daughter of Mr James Brown, Catrine Works

Brown, Janet on 11/06/1858 at Newtown, Catrine by the Rev. J. B. Biggar, to Mr Andrew Archibald, joiner

Tonner [Toner], John Thomas on 14/06/1858 at Whitehall, Maybole by the Rev. Dr. Menzies, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr John Jackson, Whitehall Maybole

Jackson, Margaret on 14/06/1858 at Whitehall, Maybole by the Rev. Dr. Menzies, to Mr John Thomas Tonner [Toner], Dalkeith

Wyllie, John on 11/06/1858 at Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. John McGowan, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late Mr William Kerr, Catrine Works

Kerr, Margaret on 11/06/1858 at Mill St. Catrine by the Rev. John McGowan, to Mr John Wyllie, engine-keeper

Mackie, Robert on 15/06/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning by the Rev. James Marshall. E. U. Church, to Agnes Kelly, daughter of Mr Andrew Kelly, clock-maker, Kilwinning

Kelly, Agnes on 15/06/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning by the Rev. James Marshall. E. U. Church, to Mr Robert Mackie, engine-keeper, Dalry

Gilchrist, Hugh on 16/06/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning by the Rev. D. T. Jamieson, Kilmarnock, to Selina, youngest daughter of Mr Archibald McWhilten, cow-feeder, Kilmarnock

McWhilten, Selina on 16/06/1858 at Byres, Kilwinning by the Rev. D. T. Jamieson, Kilmarnock, to Mr Hugh Gilchrist, draper, Glasgow

Dickson, James Garrat on 14/06/1858 at Lugar, Auchinleck. Aged 34 years. Iron-miner

Orr, Margaret on 14/06/1858 at Wood St. Catrine. In the 46th year of her age. Eldest daughter of Mr J. Orr, shoemaker

McLachlan, William on 15/06/1858 at Mill Square, Catrine. In the 10th year of his age. Second son of the late Mr James McLachlan, miner, Kilmarnock

Russell, Robert on 15/06/1858 at St Cuthbert St. Catrine. In the 18th year of his age. Third son of the late Mr Thomas Russell, joiner, Catrine Bleach Works

Rev. A. O. Beattie, D.D., M.D. on 10/06/1858 at Glasgow. In the 75th year of his age, and the 51st of his ministry

Campbell, Ellison Whiteside on 12/06/1858 at 98 Montrose St. Glasgow. Daughter of the Rev. John Campbell, Kilmarnock

Steven, Mrs Ann on 12/06/1858 at Thornhill, Stewarton, the house of her brother-in-law. Daughter of the late Mr Matthew Craig, farmer, Fulshaw.

Murdoch, John on 14/06/1858 at Hillhead, Coylton. Aged 39 years. Son of Mr William Murdoch, farmer, Meadowhead

Pollock, Margaret Bone on 12/06/1858 at Springvale, Ayr. Aged 24 years. Daughter of William Pollock, Esq., writer

Clark, Mary on 18/06/1858 at Main St. Kilwinning. Aged 66 years. Wife of Mr John Smith, and eldest daughter of the late Mr John Clark, merchant, Kilwinning

Laird, Agnes Owller on 18/06/1858 at Mossend, Dalry. Infant daughter of Mr James Laird
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