In This Year

Published stories from each town's past.
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down south
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In This Year

Post by down south »

Here we are then - the A&S Herald began at the end of 1969 publishing a summary of the local news over the past year. I have 1969-74 inclusive, and I'll make a start now with 1969. I'll post a couple of months at a time, since the whole thing is rather long .



Although some local industrial growth could not be ruled out, Saltcoats and Ardrossan would possibly function in future as essentially residential areas supplying labour to other surrounding areas but mainly to Irvine New Town, Mr D Penman, manager of Ardrossan employment exchange, forecast.

A site at Moorpark, Kilbirnie, was chosen for Ayrshire Education Committee for a new comprehensive school to serve Beith, Dalry and Kilbirnie areas.

Mr David Lambie, Saltcoats, was chosen as prospective Labour candidate for Central Ayrshire.

Mr William Orr, CA, a native of Saltcoats, now resident in West Kilbride, was appointed deputy general manager of the Scottish Milk Marketing Board.

Rents rise of up to 5s 10d per week from November with a further similar increase in November 1970, was approved by Ardrossan Town Council.

The erection of an iron ore terminal and steelworks at Hunterston recommended in " Report on Possible Industrial Development in the Clyde Estuary ".

Ex-Provost John Beggs, Ardrossan, died in his 90th year.

Government proposal to nationalise Ardrossan, Ayr and Troon harbours announced in a White Paper.


The second electronic telephone exchange in Scotland was opened at Dalry.

Ex-Provost and Mrs Charles Martin, Saltcoats, celebrated their golden wedding.

Three people were hurt when an explosion wrecked the garage premises of Messrs William Struthers and Son Ltd, Lochwinnoch.

The death occurred of Mr Robert Hamilton, former bathmaster at Saltcoats.

Dr Eric C Macdonald who recently retired from practice in Ardrossan after about 40 years was honoured by patients and friends.

Plans for a supermarket in Hamilton Street, Saltcoats , were approved in principle by Saltcoats Town Council.

The letting of the old custom-house at Saltcoats Harbour to the North Ayrshire Museum Association who have offered to reconstruct it as a nautical museum was approved by the town council.

Mr James Stewart retired as editor of The Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald and was replaced by Mr Archie Wallace.

The Secretary of State approved a plan by Saltcoats Town Council to split the burgh into four wards and to increase the size of the council to twelve.

A public meeting in Ardrossan decided to send a delegation to Ardrossan Town Council to protest at the proposed rent increases.

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Re: In This Year

Post by George Ardrossan »

This looks a very interesting topic, Susan. Thanks for starting it.

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Re: In This Year

Post by Bruce »

The second electronic telephone exchange in Scotland was opened at Dalry.
I lived in Dalry at that time. Didn’t know there was anything special about the exchange, but I recall around 1970ish, finding lots of offcuts of BT cable - both the overhead cables that went to each house and the fat multicores that went into the streets - around the town. We used them for everything from “electrical experiments” (one bit of cable was long enough to go from my house to my pal, 4 houses along the street) , to making swings...

I also remember - maybe mid-70s - being a regular visitor to the telephone exchange. A chap who worked there (his name escapes me, Joe Somebody I think) had a mini-bus. Our teacher ran the school football team, and we’d regularly be sent a message to go from the school to the telephone exchange to give Joe a message that “there was an away game in Beith on Friday afternoon; could we book the mini bus.”

Seems strange now that he was working in the most modern telephone exchange in the country, but they still sent a wee boy round with a message, rather than phoning him,,,,
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Re: In This Year

Post by Penny Tray »

It's nice to be reminded of Mr Bob "Swimming Pool" Hamilton, who taught many a "Threetowner," born in the 1940s and 50s, to swim. It's certainly difficult for me to imagine the Pool without him parading his undisputed authority around the perimeter in his immaculate white attire.

Also, Mr Archie Wallace, who, before he became editor of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, was a "front-line reporter of some integrity, (not an expression you'll hear every day), and someone who, to help him better understand a complex situation, could be trusted with a one-to-one briefing, and on a handshake promise never to pass on any confidential information he had gleaned, either in print or to the less trustworthy in his trade. A true professional.
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
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Re: In This Year

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MARCH 1969

A new Toastmasters' Club was formed in Ardrossan and Saltcoats when over 100 people attended a demonstration meeting held by the Irvine club.

Mr Charles Wilson, depute rector of Kilmarnock Academy, was appointed head teacher of Stevenston High School and rector-designate of the Auchenharvie Academy. He succeeded Mr R T Stratton who retired at the end of the session.

Ayrshire Education Committee agreed to adhere to their previous decision not to contribute to the capital cost of the proposed swimming pool at Auchenharvie.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Town Councils agreed in principle to take part in the regional main drainage scheme for the area around Irvine.

The £83,000 Garnock Indoor Swimming Pool was officially opened by Mr Sam McCormack, chairman of Kilbirnie District Council.

British Rail turned down a suggestion from Ardrossan Town Council that a new station should be erected to serve the north part of the town.

APRIL 1969

Sir James Fergusson of Kilkerran, Bt, was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire, in succession to Sir Geoffrey Hughes-Onslow who had resigned.

Schoolboy Kenneth Bone, Lamlash, won the Scottish junior open boat championship and Arran schoolboys' championship at a sea angling festival at Lamlash.

A Beith native, Mr Philip Alexander Martin, was appointed principal of Kilmarnock Technical College.

An unofficial strike by crews of the Caledonian Steam Packet Co's ships on the Clyde meant very few Easter and Glasgow Spring Holiday visitors managed to get to Arran, Bute and Cumbrae.

Chevron Oil, an affiliate of one of the world's largest oil companies, submitted an application to Ayr County Council for planning permission for a proposed £35 million oil refinery and terminal at Portencross.

Mr Robert Reid, a native of Saltcoats, was appointed headmaster of a new comprehensive school in Midlothian.

The death occurred of Mr Robert Morton, chairman of Metallic Manufacturing Co Ltd, Ardrossan.

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Re: In This Year

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MAY 1969

BBC television cameras visited St Cuthbert South Beach Church , Saltcoats, to record a series of services for later transmission. One service was also shown live throughout Scotland.

The Presbytery of Ardrossan approved the call to the Rev RA Knox, MA, from the congregation of Ardeer Parish Church, Stevenston.

Scottish National Party candidates fared badly in the municipal elections in North Ayrshire. In Saltcoats, they lost all three seats held by them and their first appearance at Ardrossan met with no welcome from the electors. There were Labour gains in all three burghs.

Both Saltcoats and Stevenston elected new provosts. Mrs Netta Lambie became the third member of her family to occupy the civic chair of Saltcoats and Mr Archie Lambie succeeded Provost S Murray at Stevenston.

A Bronze Age grave was uncovered by workmen digging a hillside trench from the High Road to Boglemart Street, Stevenston.

Ayr County Council approved a plan for a new primary school at Dykesmains, Saltcoats, at an estimated cost of £127, 680.

JUNE 1969

Ardrossan was featured in the radio programme " Down Your Way " when Franklin Engelmann visited the town and interviewed local people.

Police Sergeant Alex Gillespie, Largs , was promoted to the rank of inspector. He was formerly a constable at Stevenston.

The Ardrossan squadron of the Air Training Corps ( No 1138 ) won the annual drill competition at the Dumfries and South-West Scotland Wing parade at Prestwick.

At the Scottish pistol championships, Police Sergeant J F Currie, West Kilbride, won the Scottish police centre fire championship and Ken Hodge, Seamill, took the Scottish rapid-fire title.

The new Garnock Valley Round Table was inaugurated at a function in Seamill Hydro.

Local man Mr J Moriarty was the overall winner at a two-day international sea angling festival organised by Saltcoats Sea Angling Club.

Mr John A Butler succeeded Mr D L Penman as manager of the Ardrossan office of the Department of Employment and Productivity.

Three long-serving members of Stevenston High School - headmaster Mr R T Stratton, woman adviser Miss E Gaw and Mr J S Dunlop, principal teacher of history and geography - were honoured on their retiral.

Despite many objections and after a three-hour debate, Ayr County Council gave approval to an aplication to the Secretary of State for an amendment of the county development plan to allow an industrial complex at Hunterston.

Mr John Hair, depute county clerk, was appointed to succeed Mr Ivie McCaig as county clerk.

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Re: In This Year

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JULY 1969

Mr Thomas I Roy, headmaster, and Miss H Taylor, infant teacher, of Winton Primary School, Ardrossan, both received gifts to mark their retirals,

New district offices for the Transport and General Workers' Union in Vernon Street, Saltcoats, were officially opened by Mr Jack Jones, the union's general secretary-elect.

The new government buildings in Dockhead Street, Saltcoats, came into service with the transfer of the Ardrossan and Stevenston offices of the Department of Employment and Productivity and the Ardrossan office of the Inland Revenue.

The keys of Ardrossan's 2000th council house, at 64 Chapelhill Mount, were formally handed over to the tenants, Mr and Mrs Robert Bruce.

Mr Robert C Marwick was appointed headmaster of Winton Primary School, Ardrossan.

Traffic restrictions in Glasgow Street and Princes Street, Ardrossan, were approved by the town council. Waiting is now restricted to not longer than 45 minutes in any period of one hour.

There was a damp start to the Glasgow Fair holidays and local traders reported a big drop in business.

Ayr County Council rejected a plea by Ardrossan Town Council that traffic lights should be installed at the Glasgow Street-Princes Street-Harbour Street junction.


A Saltcoats native, Mr Hugh Miller, was adopted as prospective Labour candidate for Bute and North Ayrshire.

Captain M A Connell, MBE, retired from the post of traffic superintendent with Transport Ferry Service at Ardrossan.

Ardrossan Presbytery sustained a call from St George's Parish Church, Dumfries, to the Rev Stuart F A Pryce of Saltcoats North Parish Church.

Entries at the Isle of Arran Horticultural Society's show were the lowest for several years.

A new steamer on the Ardrossan-Arran route, a roll-on, roll-off car ferry, was one of a number of improvements to Clyde steamers announced by the Scottish Transport Group.

Members of Ardrossan Presbytery expressed concern about drinking and vandalism among young people and suggested that inter-denominational talks should take place to discuss the problem.

For the second successive year the overall championship at Arran Show was won by Mr W McConnell, Glenscorrodale.

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Re: In This Year

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The shortage of water became so acute that the Water Board appealed to consumers to cut consumption by half and made arrangements to introduce rationing.

Mr James Munn, headmaster at Ardeer Primary School, was appointed headmaster of Kilwinning Primary School.

The Scottish Labour Party called for national support for the proposed ore terminal and steel complex at Hunterston.

Mr George S Bain was appointed assistant director of education for Ayrshire.

The Rev Robert C Hepburn was inducted as minister of Saltcoats South Beach Baptist Church .

The report of the Royal Commission on local government in Scotland ( the Wheatley Report ) was published.

Kilbirnie's new £24,000 sports pavilion at Valefield was officially opened by Mr Alex Munro.

West Kilbride Theatre Group presented " The Caucasian Chalk Circle " by Bertolt Brecht, in the Public Hall.


Chris James of Beith Harriers won an international Four Nations race in Holland.

The first swimming gala was held in the new Garnock Pool at Kilbirnie.

Fire caused several thousands of pounds worth of damage in a building at Knox's Mill, Kilbirnie.

The Rev Iain M Roy, Livingstone Church, Stevenston was appointed Moderator of Ardrossan Presbytery.

The Bible and Crown Defenders Orange Lodge was inaugurated at West Kilbride.

Mr Joseph Milgrew, Saltcoats was appointed head teacher of St Paul's School, Hurlford.

Captain Peter Will, Barrmill, arrived home after having been held captive by Communist Chinese for 17 months.

Ardrossan Round Table presented a cheque for £3000 to the Scottish Society for Mentally Handicapped Children - the result of fund-raising activities since May.

Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston joint refuse disposal committee disbanded when the Saltcoats representatives withdrew, after a dispute over payment for reclamation work.

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Re: In This Year

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A new university of North Ayrshire situated near Hunterston was one of the proposals put forward by North Ayrshire Coastal Development Committee.

Mrs Mary Campbell, Crosshouse, was appointed head teacher at Ardeer Primary School.

The public inquiry into proposals for an oil terminal and steel complex at West Kilbride opened at Ayr.

Only 10 of 193 members attended the annual meeting of Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston Merchants' Association at which a proposal that Saltcoats traders should form their own association was defeated.

Ardeer Players presented the comedy " My Three Angels " in the Concert Hall.

Ardrossan Town Council agreed to seek information on the possibility of a development company erecting an indoor bowling pavilion in the town.


Miss Margaret McTavish, Saltcoats, won the prize of a week's holiday in mAjorca in a competition organised by Ardrossan Round Table.

Ardrossan Town Council held a public meeting to discuss holding a civic week in the town.

Damage estimated at £10,000 was caused by a fire at Stewart's Garage, Boglemart Street, Stevenston.

The 1st Ardrossan Scout Group celebrated their diamond jubilee.

Ayr County Council rejected a proposal to introduce fluoride into the county's water supply, reversing a decision made by them last February.

Redundancy notices were issued to a number of employees of Ardrossan Dockyard due to the impending closure or takeover of the yard.

Portraits of six former provosts of Saltcoats and the present provost, Mrs Netta Lambie, were unveiled at the Council Chambers.

The 1st Beith Company Boys' Brigade new headquarters opened.

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Re: In This Year

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Ardrossan Round Table handed over a special purpose bus costing £2500 to Saltcoats and District branch of the Society for Mentally Handicapped Children.

The former North Church in Hamilton Street, Saltcoats, was demolished.

Mr Robert Shedden, Ardrossan, received MBE in New Year Honours for his work on behalf of SSAFA.

Ardrossan Dockyard Ltd made unsuccessful offer of £600,000 for Ailsa Dockyard, Troon.


Bus strike began with one day token strike in North Ayrshire.

Monsanto announce a multi-million pound programme to expand their nylon plant at Dundonald.

Plans were made public for £1 million Auchenharvie Academy.

The new St Bride's Church hall, which cost £23,000 , was opened in West Kilbride.

A plan for an integrated port development at Ardrossan , which was developed by Mr J Morton, civil engineer, West Kilbride.

Public inquiry into industrial proposals for Hunterston and Portencross at Ayr ended after 42 days.

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Re: In This Year

Post by glenshena »

Finding this article very interesting as I was still living in Saltcoats at the time and remember a few of the topics mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us Threetowners.
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Re: In This Year

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MARCH 1970

A wave of strikes hit North Ayrshire involving bus crews, railway guards, teachers and workers i an Ardrossan firm. Strike of bus crews continued throughout the month.

Plans proposed at Hunterston inquiry to make Ardrossan a " superport " of the Clyde.

Pennyburn Tenants' Association formed with a view to dealing with problems in the new community.

It was announced that North Ayrshire Coastal Development Committee were " in the red ".

Regal Cinema , Saltcoats, reopened after extensive conversion to Cinerama theatre.

APRIL 1970

Stevenston Community Involvement Committee formed.

Ayr County Council embarked on a £740,000 programme to provide old people's and children's homes and handicapped centres.

Burns and Laird shipping line stated intention to build new office at Ardrossan Harbour.

Ardrossan Dockyard sold to Clyde Ports Authority.

Scottish Special Housing Association tenants demanded rent reduction from Saltcoats Town Council.

The Rev John H Robertson inducted to Saltcoats North Church.

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