Looking Back - Herald files

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Looking Back - Herald files

Post by Hughie »

This and others which I'll try to post weekly are from the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald as forwarded on the published date by member Tom McGrattan - this text format will ensure that they will be search engine friendly. They may or may not appear in sequence.

From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on November 5, 2004

100 YEARS AGO on November 4, 1904
ELECTRIC light is being introduced to the offices at Ardrossan Harbour.

MR GRAVES is endeavouring to raise an amateur company in Saltcoats to present the Gilbert and Sullivan opera The Pirates of Penzance.

IN the production of For Lust of Gold by the amateur dramatic association connected with St Mary's League of the Cross, Saltcoats, M Reilly, Mr D White and Miss K Brady were outstanding in good cast.

MISS M Craig, senior assistant in the infant department, Eglinton School, Ardrossan, has been appointed to a post under the Dreghorn School Board.

MISS Agnes Kerr (Mrs Robert Shaw jne) Mathieson House, Kilbirnie, was awarded the audience gold medal for soprano singing at Wishaw Co-operative singing competition on Saturday.

DURING the season 7000 tons of potatoes were put on rail at West Kilbride station.

50 YEARS AGO on November 5, 1954
PIPES skirled at Prestwick Airport on Monday when a plane carrying a cargo of Hawick-made cashmere sweaters designed by Christian Dior took off for New York. It was the first delivery since Dior decided to design exclusively for the firm.

IN connection with the achievement of 1,000,000 man hours worked free of lost time accidents at Shell Refinery, referred to in our columns last week, each employee has been presented with a souvenir penknife suitably inscribed. The presentation took place in the Shell Club Rooms during an informal social evening.

FOR some time motor cyclists have at night run to and fro at Anderson Terrace, Ardrossan, much to the annoyance of house owners in that area. No one wants to spoil their fun but when it continues until 11pm it is unfair to the residents.

MR ALFONSO Agostini, Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, has been successful in gaining a diploma of merit at the annual conference of the National Ice Cream Alliance at Scarborough. He gained a similar reward last year.

AYRSHIRE Justices of the Peace passed an "emergency resolution at the Quarter Sessions urging the Government should be asked to ban the publication of all horror "comics".

THE many friends of Master Billy Frew will be pleased to know that, in connection with his gaining the Honours Certificate for Pianoforte Playing (Preliminary Grade) at the July examination held by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, he has been awarded the Medal Certificate for having the highest marks in the Honours Section. He is a pupil of Miss Jean Cairney, Saltcoats.

FURNISHED multi-storey service flats, complete with central heating, elevators, garages and janitor, have been proposed for Prestwick mainly to meet the demands from Americans.

ARDEER Thistle FC have started a social club and intend running whist drives every Monday evening in Templars Hall, Stevenston, commencing on Monday first. It is hoped that supporters and friends will give their wholehearted patronage.

PATROL leader Ian Fullarton, 93 Glencairn Street, Stevenston, has been selected as one of the Scottish representatives at the World Scout Jamboree at Niagara Falls, Canada, in August 1955.

PROVOST Morrison, at Monday night's meeting of the Town Council, referred to the damage suffered in Newmilns as the result of the recent floods and said it would be a good thing if they agreed to send not only a message of sympathy but also some help from the town of Stevenston. Councillor Hyslop suggested that the town of Creetown also be included. The matter was remitted to the Finance Committee who have decided to send £30 to Newmilns and £10 to Creetown.

25 YEARS AGO on November 9, 1979
FEARS grew this week that British Rail have secret plans to axe the Ardrossan-Largs railway line. Railway management announced on Wednesday that some loss-making lines were facing closure because of cuts in government subsidy. And BR have actually drawn up a list of "doubtful" lines for internal discussion although they deny that a closure list has been given to the Department of Transport.

The Ardrossan-Largs line was named by Vole magazine as one of the seven Scottish lines that seemed likely to go. Shocked regional councillors and MP's this week promised to fight against any Dr Beeching-type cuts.Regional Councillor Mr Dan McMillan claimed angrily that even the electrification of the Ardrossan-Ayr line could be in jeopardy. He called BR's management on plans to replace trains with buses on lightly used routes "alarming".
"We will keep a strict eye on the situation and we will resist any proposals to axe the lies," promised Mr McMillan Central Ayrshire MP Mr David Lambie is suspicious of Mr Fowler's attempt to take the heat out of the situation.

"The government have denied it in the House of Commons, but these things do not blow up unless there is something in them," said Mr Lambie.
"We have got to take this as a warning. District councillors, regional councillors, MP's and union leaders have all got to fight this. This is the perfect opportunity for us to fight the upgrading of the line," he added.

FORMER Ardrossan Accies rugby player Gavin Angus will remember when he played for Glasgow and District against New Zealand. When Herald photographer John Keachie called on Gavin on Monday, the burly Kilmarnock forward was re-living the moment when an All-Blacks forward's "right cross" caught him full on the face. "Ouch." said Gavin as he studied film of the match on a video recorder. Also playing in the match against the All-Blacks at Hughenden, Glasgow, which the tourists won 12-6 were two other former Ardrossan Accies players, brothers Bryan and Jimmy Gossman.

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original
LB 05 Nov 2004.jpg
Alfie Agostini's ice-cream shop was on the left at the bottom of Glasgow Street, next door to Lothian's Butchers.
Remember going there to get a jug of his ice-cream - that's the way it was back then even at the palazzo.
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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Great Idea Hughie. Find it very interesting.
brian f
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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3 Former players from Ardrossan Accies played against the All Blacks in 1979. Credit where it's due .
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on November 12, 2007

100 YEARS AGO on November 15, 1907
SALTCOATS Town Council have agreed to procure the services of a bacteriologist for the town at an annual cost of £10.

TROON Town Council have applied to the Secretary of State for permission to Imit the speed of motor cars passing through the town to 10 miles per hour.

TO accommodate the increased membership of Sunday School and Band of Hope, Erskine Church, Saltcoats, have erected a new hal and was used for the first time this week

EX-Baillie James Smith was elected the first Police Judge of the Burgh of Kilwin ning at the Town Council meeting this week

MR ARCHIBALD Kirkland who has been appointed Provost of Irvine is technical Instructor in baking to Ayr County Council Classes and a leading bakery journalist

THE Kilbirnie and Glengarnock new waterworks at the Plan Ground were opened last Saturday by James Alan of Dykes.

ONCE again a Literary Society has been started in Ardrossan; Mr Angus McLean has been appointed chairman and the first meeting was held this week.

AN amateur dramatic performance was given in St Andrew's Church Hall last Saturday. the artistes boing Misses Daisy Mordue, ES Rowan, Joan Laurenson, Mary Cook, Kitty Christie, Patty Robb, Messrs F Baillie, J Chesney, RV Crake, WIlliam Turnbull, J Bruce and Robin Adamson

50 YEARS AGO on November 15, 1957
ABOUT 50 employees at the Glasgow headquarters of ICI Lid, Sauchiehall Street, had to leave their offices on Saturday last, after a telephone call had been received stating that the building was to be blown up. The call, it is understood, was made by a person purporting to be a member of the Scottish Republican Army. The caller stated that there would be an explosion in half an hour.

Crowds gathered in the street as police ordered the building to be cleared. CID officers then carried out a search on all floors but nothing was found. Four floors of the seven-storey building normally occupied by engineering staff were not in use on Saturday. The skeleton stall on duty wore mostly office girls, who were due to stop work at 11.30am, about 20 minutes after the telephone call was made.

SIX council tenants in Saltcoats who had been threatened with eviction unless they cultivated their gardens, having had proceedings against them withdrawn. It was reported to the Town Council on Monday that the gardens in question are now being cultivated.

MISS Edith MacArthur, the talented Ardrossan actress, is included in the cast which is presenting Major Barbara at the Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow, this week

THE four-faced clock at the old Caley railway station is a bit of a mess. The face looking towards the harbour has a hole on it that you could put your two fists through. The other three faces have all holes in them. The windows of the clock tower landing is riddled with stone holes, and the woodwork is in a bit of a mess. It is a pity this clock was knocked out of action, for by the appearance of old age alone didn't do the damage.

AT Saltcoats, the Remembrance Day Parade and service organised by the local branch of the British Legion was well attended by members of the branch, representatives of the Town Cound and local organisations, and was a fitting tribute to those who fell in both World Wars.

25 YEARS AGO on November 19, 1982
GALE force winds throw forry services between Ardrossan and Arran into chaos on Tuesday and Wednesday. The ferry crew reported force 10 winds at sea and in their words "The boat was rolling very heavily Nearly all sailings were diverted from Ardrossan to Gourock. And while islanders faced difficult crossings householders on the mainland suffered too.

Bins were blown over and rubbish scattered all over housing estates and roof repairers were busy replacing slates from house roots.
According to the weather entre in Glasgow the high winds will die down but will probably return again providing a stormy weekend and probably more uncomfortable sea journey from Gourock to Brodick.

A REMOTE-controlled and unmanned survey submarine is working off Ardrossan shore in what can only be described as a secret mission for the Ministry of Defence The sub is operating from The Falkirk, a survey vessel on charter to Sub Sea Services from the Salvesen Off Shore Company at Aberdeen. The sub is normally used to survey pipelines and all rig platforms but the only hint of what it is being used for in the Ayrshire waters was given by a Mr Allan Mead of Sub Sea Services. He said: "I am not sure how much I can tell you."

But he did confirm that the sub was doing work for the Ministry of Defence in conjunction with the Royal Navy. The Falkirk with sub, is expected to dock into Ardrossan Harbour on Friday when the Herald will be invited on board and attempts will be made to unravel the mystery of the survey ship an sub's mission

BUTE and North Ayrshire MP John Corrie could soon have his name recorded in that famous chronicle - The Guinness Book of Records. For he has notched up a unique 600-1 double in parliamentary history. Each year 400 names are put into a hat and one pulled out. The name of the back bench MP drawn is allowed to put forward a private members amendment to parliament Being drawn out of the hat once is quite a stroke of luck and Mr Corrie was delighted to be that man two years ago when he put forward an amendment to the abortion bill. Last year he was not the lucky one but this year again his was the name that was pulled out from the hat.
Mr Corrie has not yet decided what purpose he will put his amendment to

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original

The 1982 story on the remote controlled survey submarine sounds interesting.
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on November 22, 2007

100 YEARS AGO on November 22, 1907
ON Tuesday at a social gathering in South Beach Church Hall, a baptismal font and an American organ were presented to the North Parish Church, Saltcoats, by the congregation of South Beach Church, Saltcoats, as a token of gratitude for being accommodated in the North Church for two and a half years while evicted from their own buildings.

As a result of recent examinations at Glasgow University, Mr Alex M Gibson, a former pupil of Ardrossan Academy, has been awarded the Glasgow Highland Society's Bursary, tenable for five years.

THE services rendered by Mr CA Lundholm of Nobel's Works have been so fully appreciated that the electors of Stevenston have returned him unopposed to the County Council

THE Gospel team meeting held by Saltcoats YMCA on Saturday evening was addressed by an ex-convict who has spent 32 years in prison.

OFFICE-bearers, elected at the annual meeting of St John's Royal Arch Lodge, Saltcoats and Ardrossan were: - RW William P Flinn, DM: D Hamilton: SM; Hugh Finn, SW: R Mack. JWA Gardiner, secretary: William Gillies and treasurer, Duncan B Dewar

DALRY Reformed Templars last Monday were given a graphic account of her life by Miss Florence Worth a converted actress

AT the annual show of Kilbirnie Chrysanthemum Society last Saturday winners of special prizes were: JW Dunlop, Robert Smith, WD Alexander, and John Sharp

THE choir members of Belth Parish Church determined to cease from their labours as they thought that the minister had underrated their services and would not apologise for reproving them, so the choir stalls were empty last Sunday.

50 YEARS AGO on November 22, 1957
SPECIAL services of thanksgiving for 100 years of congregational life and witness and of re-dedi. cation were held in Park Church, Ardrossan, on Sunday last, when the preacher was the Rev DP Thomson, MA, Organiser for Evangelism, Home Mission Committee. Also officiating was the minister of the church, the Rev Donald Currie.

A PUBLIC Inquiry has been ordered by the Minister of Power into the cause of the explosion at Kames Colliery, Muirkirk, on Tuesday night, in which 17 miners died. The 11 who escaped were all injured, but eight were able to go home after treatment. There were another 169 men on the back shift underground at the time.

EDITH MacArthur, the actress, whose home is in Ardrossan, has been receiving enthusiastic Press notices for her recent work in the theatre and on Scottish Television. After appearing with Perth Theatre Company in two plays at Edinburgh Festival (an excerpt of one, Blood Upon the Rose - was televised on BBC TV). Edith began her own STV series-a 15 minute weekly advertising magazine programme called Your Home and Mine. At the moment this programme is fortnightly but becomes a weekly series again at the beginning of December, and it is televised on Wednesday evenings, from 6.45pm until 7pm.

THE Land of Burns Challenge Cup was among the prizes won by the burgh gardener of Saltcoats, Mr Thomas Morrison 9 Halkett Place, at the Ayr Chrysanthemum Society's Annual Show this week.

IN response to an appeal for financial support, Ardrossan Town Council have agreed to make a donation of £2/2-to the Zoological Society of Glasgow and West of Scotland. They have also resolved to contribute £5 to the Scottish Tourist Board.

25 YEARS AGO on November 26, 1982
A KILWINNING teenager with designs on a career in fashion has won acclaim for her work from the country's top names in the business David and Elizabeth Emanuel, Gina Fratini, Jean Muir and Bruce Oldfield were among judges who voted 18-year-old Heather Stewart, of 11 Lainshaw Square, Pennybum, a prize winner in a prestigious award scheme sponsored by Scottish Television and the Scotsman.

It was Heather's mother, Margaret, who heard about the competition when it was announced on Scotland Today and she persuaded her talented daughter to enter. Having designed clothes only for herself in the past and with an O Grade Art course as her only training, Heather was convinced she stood little chance of success. Despite her reluctance to take part, Heather eventually sent off a set of nine sketches, including coats, separates, day wear and evening dresses Just two weeks later, she heard her designs had found favour with the experts.

At a champagne reception in Glasgow's Grosvenor Hotel, attended by the star line-up of judges, she was presented with £100 in premium bonds. Heather also picked up some valuable advice from the masters of the art on how to get started in the trade. I was told that you really need a good training behind you. It is not enough just to design, you have to be able to make up the clothes as well." she says.
At present unemployed Heather hopes soon to further her training on a beauty therapy course in either London or Darlington.

THE Arran Ferry was dogged with disruption again this week after more storms hit the Clyde Coast. During the weekend travellers had a hard time finding the boat which missed several of its scheduled runs from Brodick and as a result was a regular visitor at Gourock Pier. On Friday it left Ardrossan on its 12.45pm sailing, having cancelled the 9.45am run and headed for Brodick. It stayed there until 4.40pm, missing the 3.15pm train from Ardrossan.

The 6.05 boat from Ardrossan was also cancelled as the Caledonian had headed for Gourock earlier in the afternoon but a bus took passengers from Ardrossan to Gourock where the boat lay until 7pm Strong winds and heavy seas subsided to allow the scheduled runs to be on time and to their correct destination on Saturday but there was more trouble for travellers on Sunday.

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on November 29, 2007

100 YEARS AGO on November 29, 2007
LAST week a young Saltcoats fisherman named William Pllu left Brodick on the Tuesday morning in a fishing lugsail boat he was bringing back to Saltcoats, but no further news had been heard of him and it is almost certain that the boat was swamped by heavy seas and the unfortunate man drowned.

THIS week a Board of Trade enquiry was held in Ardrossan Town Hall into the sinking of the smack, Janet Nicol of Ardrossan, In Lamlash Bay on October 9. It was found that the loss of the smack was due to her being in collision with a steamer from Belfast, and was caused by the neglect of the master of the steamer who had no certificate.

AT a conference held yesterday between representatives of Saltcoats Free and Saltcoats Free Gaelic Churches it was agreed to dissolve both congregations and reconstruct one to be called Ardrossan and Saltcoats Free Church.

OFFICE-bearers appointed at the annual meeting of Ardrossan YMCA were - President, MrWS Erskine; treasurer, Mr William Harvey, secretary Mr Alex MacMillan; auditors, Messrs John Adams and Robert Bradley.

IN a friendly curling match, a Kilwinning rink (Messrs Hugh Walker, Robert Thomson, D Watt and James Allan Junior) beat a Dalry rink (Messrs James McLelland, Robert Walker, Craig and John Brown) by 25 to 14.

A CONFERENCE (or branch), of the Society of St Vincent De Paul in connection with St Mary's Catholic Church, Saltcoats, was inaugurated last Friday, the first office-bearers being Mr Mitchell Quinn, president: Mr M Murray, treasurer and MrT Flynn, secretary.

50 YEARS AGO on November 29, 1957
A FIRE broke out in a chimney of a dwelling house in Howgate, Kilwinning on Tuesday night The high wind fanned the flames and the roof was threatened. Ardrossan fire brigade arrived in a few minutes and soon had the outbreak of under control.

THE workmen have now completed the reconstruction of the Mansfield Church steeple.

MAJOR James M Adam, RAMC, elder son of Mr William Adam, Douglas Place, Largs, is a member of an Anglo-American expedition to the Antarctic. He is a native of Ardrossan and attended the Academy For many years his father was second master in Eglinton and Winton School. The purpose of the expedition is to study men's reactions to extreme cold.

A FUND established by Ayr County Council in 1938 to help relatives of victims of an accident at Bank Colliery, New Cumnock, is to be used to give immediate relief to families of the victims of the Muirkirk pit disaster. The fund totals about £500.

ONE of the highlights of winter entertainment in the district is the variety show held each year by Beith and District Young Farmers' Club. This year's event - the 12th of its kind - was held on Thursday of last week in the Walker Memorial Hall, Kilbirnie, and on each evening there was a capacity audience. The programme, which included two plays, was well balanced with solo and groups, and began with a clever dance routine. Then came musical items-old and modern - and the first of the plays, Treasure in Heaven, in which parts were played by Mary Smith, Agnes Campbell, Margaret McConnell, Margaret Irvine, Jessie Wilson, Mary Campbell, Evelyn Soss, Jim Cooper, and John Pollock. The second play, Ae Market Night came after the interval and the cast consisted of John Pollock, Robin King, David Kerr, Willie McConnell, Jean Gillan, Tommy Caldwell, Mary Smith, John Campbell, Ann Boyd, Jean Crawford, Jim Sloss and Betty Comrie.

25 YEARS AGO on December 3, 1982
WINTON Rovers Social Club has collapsed with debts of £20,000. A special committee meeting on Wednesday night agreed to the club being formally wound up and the club premises closing immediately. Once one of the most popular clubs in the area. membership of the social club has slumped from several hundred to around 60. The financial crisis has not suddenly hit the club, however. Said club secretary Sam Morrison: "The club was in a very serious financial position. It was in that position for at least the last year. But efforts by the club to win further backing from a brewery or attract interest from local businessmen failed. Last night there should have been reaction from one of those businessmen added Mr Morrison "Unfortunately he was unable to go ahead." In addition to a loan from Scottish Brewers, the club had a crippling rates bill of £9,000-a-year at their premises in Bute Place.

When the premises opened 10 years ago. explained Mr Morrison, members had to be in by 7pm in order to get a seat. Lately though, seats have not been in short supply. As membership declined the club, set up to fund the football club, began to drain finances away from the football Mr Morrison would offer no explanation as to why the club failed. If it had been run differently then the social club could have funded the football club. I am not going to speculate," he added. Most of the £20,000 is owed in Customs and Excise duty, rates and to Scottish Brewers, who have the title deeds to the club's premises. All members associated with Winton Rovers will be formally told next week of the plan to wind up the club in a public notice for the meeting. The club's only employee, the steward, will lose his job.

ONE of Irvine's largest employers, Hyster, are to slash their workforce. At a special conference, just before we went to press on Wednesday, the company announced

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original
brian f
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

Post by brian f »

I have always found these files interesting. Thanks for posting Hughie.
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

Post by Hughie »

Me too, Brian. All thanks to the efforts of Tom McGrattan. :clap:
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on December 5, 2007

100 YEARS AGO on December 6, 1907
THE congregation of Ardrossan Parish Church, Saltcoats, have selected the Rev DD Rees, assistant of Peebles Parish Church, as their new minister.

MR WT Stewart and party of the Albatross yacht began mission in Saltcoats last Sabbath. On Sunday evening they attracted the largest congregation ever assembled in Erskine UF Church, and many could not gain admission.

ARDROSSAN, Saltcoats and Stevenston Merchants' Association elected office-bearers for the ensuing year as follows: President, Mr John Duncan; vice-president, Mr DJ Fullerton; secretary, Mr A Harper: treasurer, Mr Peter Kerr

THE election for the Stevenston Parish Council took place on Tuesday when the Successful candidates were: - Messrs CO Lundholm, William Kirkwood, Hugh Thomson, James Patrick, Alex McGregor, John Montgomery, George Sinclair, Matthew Orr and James Morrison, the last-mentioned three being new members.

THE annual social of St Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ardrossan, took place on Wednesday evening. Banjo selections were given by Mr TK Cook.

ARDROSSAN Police Court had a cosmopolitan agenda yesterday. In one case there were connected with it, two Russian Finns, a German, a Swede, a Norwegian, a Cockney and a Scotsman. In the next case there was an Italian witness.

50 YEARS AGO on December 6, 1957
MR GH McKenzie, who has retired after nearly 40 years with ICI Limited and its predecessors, made his greatest contribution to Nobel Divisions in the field of safety. Mr JM Holm, managing director, Nobel Division, said this at Division headquarters in Glasgow last week, when Mr McKenzie, Operating Manager for the past nine years, received presentations from the company and his colleagues. After a distinguished academic career at Aberdeen University, where he graduated with first-class honours in mathematics and philosophy. Mr McKenzie joined Nobel's Explosives Company in 1918. He later became chief superintendent of Propulsive department, a position he held from 1929 until 1942 when he became assistant manager of Ardeer factory. In 1945 he was appointed factory manager.

THE new St Andrew's Church at Irvine Mains was opened by the Very Rey Professor J Pitt-Watson, DD, joint convener of the National Church Extension Committee on Saturday. The new £36,000 church, modern in style but based on traditional Scottish architecture, is intended to replace the existing Church Extension hut which was established in 1954. Capable of seating between 500 and 600, its accommodation includes a gallery, a large session room, a vestry with cloakrooms, and interview rooms underneath.

A DEPUTATION of Councillors and officials from Kirkintilloch Town Council, led by Provost Gillies, visited the North Ayrshire Museum, Saltcoats, on Thursday of last week. They were met by the Board of Management and other officials. After the building and the various sections has been examined, the work involved in the preparation and opening of the North Ayrshire Museum was explained, including all the financial arrangements.

THE contractors have been fixed for the reconstruction of the G&S Railway bridge in Kilwinning. Work is expected to commence soon.

25 YEARS AGO on December 10, 1982
LOCAL ministers have refused to thank the men and women involved in the Falklands conflict. At Ardrossan Presbytery this week moves to officially recognise servicemen in the war were described as a "slap in the face to the armed forces.
Mr Stanley Farrer of Ardrossan proposed that the following motion be sent to the Minister of Defence, the Church and Nation Committee of the Church of Scotland and to the Rev John Dailly, a chaplain at present serving in the Falkland Islands, who is also a member of Ardrossan Presbytery: "We record our appreciation and thanks to the men and women of the Falklands Task Force for their courage, skill and devotion to duty in successfully combating unprovoked aggression in the South Atlantic. We also record our sympathy to families and friends of casualties.

Mr J Johnston of Shiskine, Arran, described the motion as a "slap in the face" for the people whom it praised because it had been left so long after the conflict ended. "On a day when we hear of so many people dying in Northern Ireland," added Mr Hugh Conway, "it is unfair to draw attention to one particular group. It would be more appropriate to mention all the forces." The motion, which will be sent to the bodies originally suggested by Mr Farrer, reads: The Presbytery of Ardrossan record its appreciation and thanks to the men and women of the armed forces for their courage, skill and devotion to duty in every sphere of service.

CUNNNINGHAME District Council are to pump £1,000 into the feasibility study of Ardrossan Harbour to allow the Scottish Development Agency to push ahead with the survey. Back in September the planning committee agreed to contribute only £250 to the study which could lead to big improvements of the Harbour and Princes Street improvements. But now the SDA have come back with the cost of the study, estimated at £20,000 asking the district council for more. Members heard that if the council increased their share to £1000 the other interested parties including Caledonian MacBrayne, Ardrossan Harbour Company and Strathclyde Regional Council would also increase their contribution. Members unanimously agreed to the increase.

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original
brian f
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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Reading a file regarding Ardrossan police court 1907. It certainly looks like Ardrossan was very much a bustling town. Just curious how the court dealt with the interpretation at that time ?
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

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:think: Brian, I guess if the accused's ship hadn't sailed, it's likely that one of the ship's officers might have helped with translating in the court.
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Re: Looking Back - Herald files

Post by Hughie »

From the Archives of the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald published on December 12, 2007

100 YEARS AGO on December 13, 1907
ON Tuesday and Wednesday evenings the members of Ardrossan Amateur Dramatic Company presented their first production of the season in the Assembly Hall, the play was Waiting For The Verdict. The players were: - Messrs H Skillen, John Anderson, J McKellar, JC Kerr. John Cance, HC McLachlan, Dan Neil, D McLachlan, J Neagle, Miss Annie Ryce and Miss Nellie Inglis.

STEVENSTON Literary and Debating Society gave an open dramatic entertainment on Wednesday, the programme being provided by Miss Duncan, Messrs J Anderson, H Banks, JM Brown, J Forsyth, T Symington and R Hunter.

ARDROSSAN Town Council have appointed the following tradesmen to do work for the burgh during next year: Plumber and slater, J Hogarth & Co; mason-R Barbour, joiner, Henry Parr,carriage hirer, Mrs Allan; painter, James Cance, blacksmith, G Macmillan; clock minder, J Jamieson.

MR HUGH Thomson was appointed chairman of the new Stevenston Parish Council, and Mr Tannock chairman of Ardrossan Parish Council.

THE whist tournament in connection with the West Kilbride Institute is now concluded. Messrs James Wilson and William Craig Junior beating Messrs WP Beggs and T Oliphant by six points.

SALTCOATS Town Council considered introducing a sliding scale of wages for burgh workmen, but after hearing that the staff receive 23/- per week while lamplighters are paid an extra 1/-per week, it was agreed not to disturb the existing arrangements.

50 YEARS AGO on December 13, 1957
SOME time during Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning, an unsuccessful attempt was made to blow open a safe in the Rector's room at Ardrossan Academy. The intruders gained access to the building by breaking a window. The CID are investigating the matter.

A NEW inshore minesweeper was launched and named Etchingham by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Troon on Monday. The ceremony was performed by Lady Hutchinson, wife of Sir James Hutchison, DSO, MP, chairman of the Company, and the religious service was conducted by the rev Allan Young, minister of Troon Old Parish Church.

Of 106 feet 5 inches in length, with a beam of 20 feet 6 inches, this inshore minesweeper is of composite construction and is designed to operate in shallow waters. It also embodies novel features resulting from lessons learned during the war and in the course of subsequent developments.

AT 10.30am last Saturday evening, a motor cyclist, 16-year-old Alistair Northcote, 13 Seton Street, Ardrossan, was slightly injured when his motorcycle was in collision with a man in Princes Street. The man, James Boyce, 90 Churchill Drive, Ardrossan, was slightly injured.

ATTENTION has been drawn to the spire of Mansfield Church, Kilwinning, which was recently repaired. A dent is showing on one side, giving the appearance of a twist. Incidentally the weather vane is also out of position.

ABOUT 12.45pm on Sunday, at the junction of Blacklands Avenue and Stobbs Terrace, Kilwinning, a pedal cyclist collided with a private motor car. He sustained a broken nose and several ribs crushed.

LAST Friday the members of the Motive Department, British Railways, Ardrossan, met in the general mess room to honour two of their drivers, Messrs W Gray and C Coey on occasion of their retirement.
Mr J Melvin presided in the absence of Mr AC Manuel. Mr Melvin congratulated both men for their service to the railways. Mr Gray, he said, started his career as a cleaner on May 9, 1910, became a fireman on May 24, 1913 and driver in June, 1920. His railway service totalled 47 and a half years. Mr Coey started as a cleaner in 1917, became a fireman in 1913 and a driver in 1940. His service totalled 40 years.

25 YEARS AGO on December 17, 1982
AYRSHIRE women who joined the 35,000-strong protest at Greenham Common at the weekend have spoken out against Cunninghame District Council It is CDC's inactivity in helping the campaign to stop cruise missiles being sited at the American Air Base in Berkshire which has galled them. Mrs Sheena Keeley from Kilbimle asked: "Where is their support?
"We have heard nothing from them and had absolutely no token of their support to take down with us." The council was one of the first Scottish local authorities to voice their backing of more than 20 women, who were part of a peace camp outside the base last month. But now local Campaign for Disarmament groups are asking what form the council's support should take. Verbal backing is no use," added Mrs Keeley. "What we need is people and finance." In all, 10 Ayrshire women joined the protest on Saturday, forming part of the linked arms" chain which surrounded the nine-mile perimeter of the base.

TALKS are taking place today aimed at speeding up the pedestrianisation of Kilwinning Main Street. Strathclyde Regional Council are expected to confirm the necessary orders banning traffic from the street early next month. But the council's highways and transportation are not due to meet to discuss the matter until March 10. Members of the district finance committee were concerned about the delay when they learned of it on Tuesday.

Kilwinning councillor Jim Clements said that only one major objection to pedestrianisation had been received and he saw no reason why work should not start before March, Council convener Tom Dickie reported that he was due to meet the regional liaison committee today (Friday) and would try to make arrangements for an earlier start. A report submitted to the committee revealed that eight tenders of the pedestrianisation work had been received.

Thanks to Tom McGrattan for the original

In Tom's original post there is a photo and some comments about the Stevenston Motorcycle Club. See here: viewtopic.php?p=20062#p20062
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