Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Published stories from each town's past.
Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

19 JULY 1911


The Yeomanry encamped at Ardrossan were again engaged yesterday in squadron and troop drill under the several squadron leaders.

The weather was very favourable to the work, being dry and bright all day with a cool wind from the north-west.

The four squadrons left camp at eight o’clock in the morning and continued at drill in the upland field until eleven, when they returned to camp.

The signalling section, reported by the way, to be one of the best in all the Yeomanry – practised with flag and heliograph, and machine gun practice was carried out under the direction of Sergeant Russell of the 2nd Hussars.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

20 JULY 1911


The Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry, in camp at Ardrossan, went through the same routine yesterday as on Monday and Tuesday, the four squadrons, under their several leaders, leaving camp at 8 a.m. for the drilling held three miles inland. After three hours of squadron and troop drill, the men returned to camp, and were busy for some time watering and foddering the horses. During the first three working days of this week the men have been practically free after midday, and in the evening most of them have sought the pleasures of the town.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

21 JULY 1911


At Bellevue, Ardrossan, on the 20th instant, William Crawford, coal agent, aged 60 years.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

21 JULY 1911


The Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry at the Ardrossan camp did not depart yesterday to any extent from the routine work upon which they have been engaged during the week. For some time in the forenoon the squadrons were engaged in tactical manoeuvres and in reconnoitring the land in the immediate vicinity of the camp.

The Yeomanry formed into to forces – “Red” and “Blue” – consisting of two squadrons each, the forces being respectively commanded by Majors Cayzer and Cross. The work was carried out satisfactorily on the whole, although one troop appears to have lost its way and got out of bounds.

In the afternoon the officers had a pow-wow, discussing the results of the day’s operations.

Lectures on veterinary science were given to the men in one of the mess tents.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

21 JULY 1913


HARVEY: At Vineburgh, Ardrossan, on 18th instant, John Harvey (ex-Provost of Ardrossan), aged 77.


The death has occurred at Ardrossan of ex-Provost John Harvey of that town at the age of 71. Mr Harvey had been in ill-health for a number of years. Keenly interested in the public affairs of Ardrossan, he devoted a great part of his life to the service of the community, and was a member of the town council for close on 20 years. In 1905 he was appointed Provost, which position he occupied for the full term of three years.

Mr Harvey is survived by a grown-up family.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

21 JULY 1913


The crowds at the Central Station were larger than ever, and a new record for Fair Saturday was created. The rush began in the morning, 13 specials leaving for Ardrossan with holiday-makers en route for Portrush and other popular resorts in the north of Ireland and for the Isle of Man.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

21 JULY 1913


News was received yesterday in Shettleston of a drowning accident from one of Messrs G. & J. Burns’s steamers while on its way to Belfast on Saturday afternoon.

The vessel was making a special trip in view of the heavy holiday traffic and had on board a child named William Nicol, aged 2½ years, residing with its parents at 8 South Chester Street, Shettleston.

When about an hour out from Ardrossan the child approached the side when his head came in contact with a bar, and he was knocked overboard.

A boat was immediately lowered and he was picked up with the least possible delay, but succumbed from shock and the effects of the immersion soon after being brought on deck.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

22 JULY 1911


Heavy rain fell at Ardrossan during Thursday night, and horse lines at the Yeomanry camp were flooded.

Yesterday, however, a stiff breeze blew all day, and the ground dried quickly.

At 8 a.m. the men rode to the drilling field and for two hours were occupied in squadron drill.

At 10 o’clock the Commanding Officer, Colonel Connal, put the troops through regimental drill.

Returning to the camp at noon the men were as usual occupied for some time attending to their horses, which are now accustomed to the work and are daily improving in appearance.

In the afternoon Major Kelly delivered a lecture on sanitation to the subalterns and "non-coms." Captain Hamilton, the regimental veterinary surgeon, lectured on horses and horse management.

In the evening a bonfire was kindled, and the men had an open-air concert by firelight.

The camp sports take place today.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

23 JULY 1910


Last evening four specials carried several thousand from Ardrossan to the Central Station, Glasgow, and today now fewer than 14 special trains will run from that Ayrshire port bringing back Isle of Man and Irish trippers.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

23 JULY 1910


John Templeton, ship carpenter and salvage contractor, Ulva Cottage, Hill Place, Ardrossan, (including heritage) £2886 12s 4d.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

23 JULY 1913


At the monthly meeting of Ardrossan Town Council on Monday night – Bailie Flinn presiding – Bailie Fawcett, convener of the Gas Committee, submitted a very satisfactory report on the gas undertaking for the year ended May 31 last.

The report showed that the returns for the year constituted a record. A saving in leakage of 1,114,000 cubic feet brought out the percentage of gas lost or unaccounted for at 7.61 per cent, the lowest ever experienced.

The progressive work of the distribution department had been continued, 290 cooking and heating appliances having been issued during the year, the total number put out by the Corporation since the free issue of cookers was adopted three years ago being 922. During the year the number of consumers had increased by 31.

The total expenditure on cookers and heating appliances had been £1521, and the increased consumption during the period represented a cash return of over £1640. The gas undertaking now showed a credit balance on the revenue account of £878 7s 3d.
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Penny Tray
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Re: Ardrossan - On This Day In History

Post by Penny Tray »

23 JULY 1913


With the exception of Monday, which kept up a depressing drizzle from morning till night, the weather since the Fair holidays began has been magnificent. On Tuesday there was a return to sunshine and warmth, and at night there was every indication of a continuance of fine weather and smooth seas. In addition to the unprecedented numbers of people who are staying in the town, great multitudes of day trippers have been visiting the district. On Wednesday there will be a sand-building competition on the South Beach for children. The purveyors of entertainment for visitors have been making a rich harvest these past few days. Besides the usual seaside attractions there are public dances in the Town Hall every night during the week.
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
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