Kilmarnock Herald and Ayrshire Gazette
August 1, 1936
Saltcoats Derby Day
There should be a large crowd on the Campbell Field this afternoon. Besides the fact that this will be the first Junior League game on the new field it is also a local Derby for the Winton. who have the honour of being the first visitors to the new Vics. field. Murdoch will be unable to play in goal for Winton in this game. The following are the teams notified to us just before going to press.
Winton Rovers-Another; Kelly and Bond; Bolton, McLauchlin, and Gemmell; Gillan, Paterson, Patrick, H. McLauchlin and A.
Saltcoats Vics.-Brakenridge; Stevenson and Law; Gillan, Nicholson, and Kidd; Love, Ferguson, Donald, Hutchison and McNeil. Brackenridge played with Petershill last year.