In This Year

Published stories from each town's past.
Penny Tray
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Re: In This Year

Post by Penny Tray »

down south wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:03 pm
Two young men influenced by the current rage of streaking were fined £30 each when they admitted streaking along South Beach.

A previous post by a late Threetowner: -

"In March 1973, streaking was the rage. Me and some pals were at the dancing in the Kilmeny, and decided to do a streak. We went into the gents, stripped off, ran through the dance floor, out the front door and headed along South Beach towards the Lauriston.

We had just reached the corner at the Ingledene when the polis wagon came down, so we all scattered. I ran into the car park behind the Ingledene and tried to climb the high wall to the railway line, but was literally scraped of the wall by the polis. Told them they couldnae arrest me cos they had nothing on me. The upshot was I spent the night in the jile and appeared at Kilmarnock Sherriff the following afternoon, where i got fined £30."

RIP Rowanside!
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Re: In This Year

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MAY 1974

Ayr County Council have told Ardrossan Town Council that consideration would be given to an application to re-zone 4.13 acres set aside at Chapelhill Farm for local authority housing, for use for private house building.

Lt-Commander John Douglas, Chief Inspector of HM Coastguard, visited Ardrossan Coastguard Station.

Work on the first phase of the 1/2 million marina development at Fairlie was scheduled to begin in the autumn.

Labour had a massive win in the Strathclyde Regional elections taking 71 of the 103 seats contested.

Two Stevenston boys had a narrow escape when they were washed out to sea on a metal tank six foot square. They were rescued by Troon lifeboat.

The state of the Holm Plantation was criticised by Saltcoats Town Council.

Despite wind and rain Ardrossan Civic Week was a great success. One of the highlights of the week was the Industrial Exhibition held in the Civic Centre and opened by STV Industrial Editor , John Hossack.

Kilbirnie District Council rates for the forthcoming year were doubled to meet a requisition of £95,631.

There was almost a shock at the first meeting of Cunninghame District Council because nominations for chairman were made in the absence of several Labour members who had encountered traffic difficulties en route to the meeting. However the Labour councillors finally arrived and Dr David White, of Saltcoats, was elected chairman of the council.

Rises of 29% in electricity charges were announced by the South of Scotland Electricity Board.

JUNE 1974

Following the disaster at Flixborough there were fears that there could be a repeat when a leakage of chemicals was discovered at ICI's Nylon Works , Stevenston. However it was later established that there was no danger.

A statue was unveiled at Kilbirnie Cross as part of Glengarnock and Kilbirnie Civic Week. The statue was a gift from the British Steel Corporation.

Depute rector of Ardrossan Academy, Mr Andrew Allan, was appointed rector at Mainholm Academy, Ayr.

Thirteen of the workforce at the BRS depot, Ardrossan, were to be made redundant in a bid to improve efficiency and prevent further losses in the depot's operations.

A call for more activities for young people in Ardrossan was made by Police Judge John McLaughlan.

Fire destroyed the Railwaymen's Club at Pavilion Place, Ardrossan.

Mr James Miller was appointed chief officer of Cunninghame District Council.

The Scottish Knockout Angling Trophies for boat and shore competitions were won by Ardrossan and Saltcoats Sea Angling clubs respectively.

Kilwinning Abbey Church celebrated its bi-centenary which culminated in a fete which realised £1000.

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Re: In This Year

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JULY 1974

Stevenston Town Council appointed contractors to carry out the work of rehabilitating Ardeer Quarry to create an area of scenic beauty.

An outline plan for the extension of Auchenharvie Swimming Pool to provide increased facilities at a cost of £116,000 was approved in principle by Stevenston Town Council.

The old farmhouse premises at Cranberry Moss, Kilwinning, were to be altered and adapted for use as a youth and community centre at an estimated cost of £150,000 , with IDC meeting the capital cost involved.

A mobile toilet unit was to be provided at West Kilbride Primary School.

Hundreds of school children in the Garnock Valley attended the Summer Playscheme despite bad weather.

The Secretary of State for Scotland, Mr William Ross, decided that both oil production platforms and a steelworks would be constructed on the Hunterston Peninsula.

An elderly Greenock man drowned and two Saltcoats men had to swim almost a mile to safety after their boat capsized near Largs.

The sugar shortage hit North Ayrshire badly with most shops already introducing rationing.

One hundred and twenty employees at the Beithcraft Furniture Factory, Beith, were laid off as a result of a disastrous fire which totally destroyed the main factory building.


The Secretary of State and the Scottish Association for Public Transport were urged by Cunninghame District Council to speed up the plans for improving the road network in North and Central Ayrshire.

A report from the Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee , backed up by a private letter from the committee chairman, enlarging on their findings, convinced Mr William Ross, Secretary of State for Scotland, that oil refineries were not suitable for the Hunterston Peninsula.

In a ' get-tough ' policy towards vandals West Kilbride District Council agreed that persons convicted of vandalism would have to pay damages to the council and would be banned from using council recreational facilities.

The cost of building new council houses at Ardeer Recreation Ground, Stevenston, soared by £1000 a house because of the need to strengthen foundations.

Beithcraft Furniture Company announced that work on a new ultra-modern factory would begin - only five weeks after their factory was destroyed by fire.

The Rev Norman Pritchard was inducted to the charge of St Andrew's Church, West Kilbride.

It was announced that the substantial increase in traffic between Ardrossan and Brodick would lead to the replacement of the existing ferry, mv Caledonia, by a larger ship next year.

An imprtant step towards the manufacture, commercially, at Ardeer of a 'safe ' smoking mixture was made when ITL were given clearance to carry out consumer acceptance studies on the Ardeer-developed new smoking material.

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Re: In This Year

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Provost William Martin of Kilwinning died suddenly aged 57.

Stevenston rates were increased by 23p. This meant that ratepayers would pay 98p in the £.

A new 450ft quay is to be built at Ardrossan Harbour at a cost of more than £250,000.

Saltcoats residents were to pay 94p in the £ rates this year - a rise of 12p. Kilwinning rates also rose by 12p from 61p in the £ to 73p. Ardrossan rates rose by 20p.

Saltcoats and Stevenston Town Councils considered plans to convert Brewery Park into an attractive park containing a boating lake, nature reserve and recreational facilities.


A five-year-old Ardrossan girl was dropped 30ft from a first floor window when fire swept through two flats in Castle Road.

Ayrshire members retained their seats at the General Election. Labour gained overall control.

A mystery tunnel was found 40ft underground at the redevelopment area in New Street, Stevenston.

Ardrossan Town Council approved an application for an open air market in the town.

Residents in West Kilbride were asked to sign a petition protesting at the delay in converting the former Paisley Convalescent Home into a community centre.

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Re: In This Year

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An application to convert Braehead House, Dalry, into a hotel was dropped following objections from local residents.

Four Stevenston boys attended a reception in Edinburgh Castle after helping police to apprehend three men who had stolen metal from a yard.

Intensified unofficial strike action by Ayrshire teachers paralysed schools throughout the county. The teachers warned that there would be tougher measures if the £300 interim pay award was not granted by Christmas.

Mr J Lockhart, chairman of the Ayrshire and Arran Health Board officially opened the new physiotherapy unit at the War Memorial Hospital, Lamlash.

Medical experts probed a paratyphoid scare in Kilbirnie.

Members of the SSTA staged their first ever official strike.


Stevenston Town Council announced plans to modernise the Blackburn Houses in Misk Knowes and Ardoch Crescent.

It was announced that a start to building the new comprehensive school at Kilwinning was likely to be made before June next year.

Ayrshire and Arran Health Board denied a breakdown of the National Health Service in Ardrossan after a large number of patients were removed from doctors' lists.

The long-awaited Houghton Committee of inquiry into teachers' salaries was issued but from first reactions few teachers seemed to be satisfied with the proposals.

The installation of lifting barriers and closed circuit TV at the level crossing in Princes Street, Ardrossan, was completed.

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