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Jeremy Vine

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:57 pm
by glenshena
I really enjoyed the Jeremy Vine show this week. He was asking his viewers what they thought about the "Royal" family and the up coming coronation. Some of the replies were choice to say the least, objecting to being called "British subjects" rather than people. Preferring an elected President who can be sacked and changed when necessary rather than putting a"King" or "Queen" on a Throne and not being able to do anything about It once they are there.
Those contrary were mostly of a young Age, but one lady was 79 and quite against the "royals" saying they were all parasites and that
a vote should be put to the British people who can decide if to have royalty or not, not an already decided heredity by way of birthright and the way Charles has automatically taken the position of King of Britain without being voted for Is contrary to all human principals. The "Royal" family belongs to the era of Fairy tales so lets move away into the reality and hardship of Life. I believe Australia Is struggling for indipendence from the British Comonwealth too which would be a great loss for GB.

Re: Jeremy Vine

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 7:44 pm
by glenshena
Yesterdays update:. The percentage that want to keep the "Royals" - 53/100. Those who dont want them -
22/100 . The remaing dont care!