ICI graduates 1972

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down south
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ICI graduates 1972

Post by down south »

Only one three towns person in this group, but employees may still have known the others.

ICI graduates 1972.jpg


Five employees of ICI at Ardeer have just completed " a very tough course " and have graduated MSc at the University of Strathclyde.

The five men, Hugh B Donaldson, " Stanley ", Overton Drive, West Kilbride; Ian B Henderson, 3 Cunningham-Watt Drive, Stewarton; Chris Jump, 10 Arran Place, Ardrossan; Arthur W L Wilson, 18 Calderwood, Kilwinning; and Alastair W Millar, 10 Hoylake Square, Kilwinning; are the first to graduate from what began three-and-a-half years ago as an experiment in higher education between ICI and the university and which has led to them receiving an external degree.

In 1968 the university decided to provide an extra-mural course in chemical engineering at Ardeer for graduate mechanical engineers. The decision followed a joint study by ICI and the university authorities. This concluded that, because of the rapidly-changing nature of the chemical industry, there was a need for broadened experience and new skills.

The course opened in January 1969. Since then members of the staff of the university's chemical engineering department have visited ICI at Ardeer on one afternoon a week throughout the academic year.

A total of 270 hours of formal lectures was given during the three-year course. Students also had to devote several evenings a week to their studies to keep up with the syllabus.

The five graduands are between the ages of 29 and 32. All are married and four of them have families.

Mr R H Morton, manager of Division Engineering Department, ICI Organics Division, this week acknowledged the " hard work and enthusiasm " of those members of the academic staff of Strathclyde University responsible for the course. He spoke appreciatively too of the dedication of the participants, who, he said, owed no little part of their success to the understanding of their wives and families.

Emeritus Professor A W Scott, who supervised the planning and launching of the course before retiring last year from the University's Chair of Chemical Engineering, said : " This proved a very tough course for the five students who read for their Master's degree while carrying out their normal duties at ICI. All graduates, of course, earn their degrees, but I think the Ardeer men really deserve theirs. The course has been an outstanding success and a first-class example of meaningful co-operation between industry and the universities. It establishes a pattern for higher degree studies which I am confident more and more industrial companies will wish to adopt. "

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 7th July 1972

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