Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

For those researching family in the three towns area.
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Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

Post by smileyshiv »

I am looking for any information possible on Niven's and Sweeney's for the 3 towns

My Partner is Mark Niven - His Dad Richard Niven, Mum Mary Sweeney

His Paternal Grandparents - Andrew Niven & (Isobel Scott?)

Maternal Grandparents - James Sweeney & Sarah (Burns?)

I know this is not a lot of info - im trying to make family tree for our wee girl

Will be greatfull for any Info

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Re: Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

Post by sweet caroline »

Hi smilelyshiv,
I am interested in the Scotts from the 3ts ,as it is my Mother's line.From Scotlandspeople


You will have to send for the Certificate as details are not given online .
Can tell you Isabell Boreland Scott grandparents/great grandparents will be Richard Scott c1848 Saltcoats,and Isabella Boreland c 1851 Saltcoats.They have 7 Sons that i know off.
Thomas Boreland Scott-c1876 Saltcoats

Andrew Scott-c 1879 Ardrossan-died 28.12.1889 Vernon St,Saltcoats

John Boreland Scott-c1885 Saltcoats-Died 10.3.1913 accidently killed at Ardeer .

Richard Andrew Scott-1887 Ardrossan-SCOTT, RICHARD
Initials: R
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Unit Text: 9th Bn.
Age: 30
Date of Death: 03/06/1917
Service No: 31791
Additional information: Husband of Margaret Murdoch Tennant Scott, of 5, Stanley Place, Saltcoats, Ayrshire. Born at Saltcoats.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: Sp. Mem. G. 3.

Alexander Gardiner Scott-c1891 Saltcoats

Andrew-c1893 Saltcoats

James Scott- c 1895 Saltcoats-Mary Wilson c 1895 Time of Marriage-Private 3/11th.Company,Army Service Corps.

Ardrossan Manse ,Saltcoats (Old Ardrossan Parish 4.2.1918

Isabella Souter Scott -25.8.1873 Saltcoats
Frances Graham Scott-3.2.1877 Ardrossan
Mary Scott-c1880 Ardrossan-died 9.2.1889 Vernon St,Saltcoats
Jane Scott -c1882 Ardrossan
Jessie Scott-29.4.1889 Ardrossan-Died 1972 Royal Infirmary,Montrose.

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Re: Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

Post by Jill »

Hi Siobhan,

Not sure if this helps but I have a Susanna (Susan) Niven born about 1815 - she may be a sister of your direct line.

She marries Thomas Auld and they have a child Elizabeth Auld. I have a fair bit of information on Elizabeth Auld. Let me know if you would like more information on Elizabeth.

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Re: Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

Post by 5thBeatle »

I wonder if you know what Thomas Auld this is . My Great Grandfather was a Thomas Auld from Stevenston ?
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Re: Ayrshire Niven's or Sweeney's

Post by Rowan »

Hi Siobhan
This reply may be too late for you but Richard Scott and Isabella Borland Scott are my Great Grandparents, their oldest daughter Isabella Souter Scott was my Grandmother. I’m not sure if I have any information that you need but I’ll help if I can.
Kind regards
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