Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

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Re: Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

by Penny Tray » Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:49 pm


Albeit a decade or so earlier than the period you're interested in, I reckon the shop and house are situated on the left of this postcard view, just about where the men are standing in a group.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185850343811 ... gJi7fD_BwE

Another view -

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185850343827 ... gJusPD_BwE

Re: Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

by Penny Tray » Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:17 am

Looking at www.instantstreetview.com I see the shop is currently occupied by Mackenzie Way, Estate agent, and that the dwellinghouse door at 36A is still clearly numbered.

Re: Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

by Marjorie50 » Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:22 am

Penny, thanks very much for this information. I was only a child when I heard of this and I may well have misheard it. The connection with joiners is interesting as there are joiners in my late dad's family and that might have been why he went to Saltcoats from Wishaw and met my mum. I now wonder if there are any photos of the shop. I'll keep up the search. Kind regards. Marjorie

Re: Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

by Penny Tray » Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:12 am

I have never heard of Miss Mansell's Haberdashery or come across any reference to it. However, the North Ayrshire Directory 1935-1936-1937 refers to a "Miss Maxwell's (not Mansell's), Drapery, at 36 Hamilton Street, Saltcoats." A Mr. John Maxwell, joiner, and Mrs. Mary Maxwell (presumably the parents of Miss Maxwell) are listed in the same publication as resident at 36A Hamilton Street.

If you're certain the name Mansell is correct, apologies for this useless information :lol:

Miss Mansell's Haberdashery

by Marjorie50 » Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:15 am

Does anyone have any knowledge of Miss Mansell's Haberdashery, which I think was in Saltcoats. My late mother worked there in the 1930s. Thanks. Marjorie
